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Author Topic: It's offical, the iPad idea came from Commodore  (Read 2832 times)


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Re: It's offical, the iPad idea came from Commodore
« on: September 05, 2010, 09:33:59 PM »
Some of the "observations" in the article were amazingly prescient for 1994, with some just barely missing the mark -- in particular, the dual-cellular line for voice and data is pretty spot-on: AT&T 3G, for instance, does allow data and voice in the same unit by merit of voice in one band and UMTS/HSDPA in a different band, while many other non-GSM carriers do not allow voice and data simultaneously.  (AT&T EDGE has/had the capability within the same band, but with 3G forthcoming at the time provisioning was never specified, at least for public consumption.)

Classic, indeed.  Happy April Fools.  Hey, anyone working on 2011's AFD Amiga/Commodore prank?

Oh, and one for the road: