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Author Topic: new toy!!!!! Anyone heard of a GP32?  (Read 7302 times)


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Offline Calen

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Re: new toy!!!!! Anyone heard of a GP32?
« on: April 06, 2003, 04:04:00 PM »
I just learned of this handheld a few days ago, a few  hours after i had ordered my GBA SP.
 I was actually thinking of cancelling my order in favour of the GP32 as it does sound like an impressive handheld, i'm just not sold on its design, but the emulation it can do and play movies and mp3's has got to be a big selling point for it.

Ah well all is not lost, it seems the GBA has a C64 emulator in the works and its close to release (i'd be suprised to if it runs full rate with it's 16mhz or so CPU) :-) and the wealth of Amiga games coming to it is whats sold me.

WOW! it does MAME  also, hmm


Did your order it from http://www.gbax.com, if so, did they sting you much for delivery?  so erm if i'm reading this correctly you get this GP32 for 99 UKP which Includes the link up cables to PC, you get a little smartmedia card in that price also ?
Sounds great if it does get all that cause on the GBA it doubles it price if you where to purchase link up cables/256Meg F2A Cart

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Re: new toy!!!!! Anyone heard of a GP32?
« Reply #1 on: April 06, 2003, 09:03:20 PM »
If you need Smartmedia cards and you're in the UK, take a look at www.7dayshop.com. You can get a 128Mb card for about £24 there.


Yeah that media has indeed come down alot over the past few years, it's a pity i use memory sticks for my cam.
Lets us know how you get along with it and your thoughts on this new and very interesting bit of kit.

Another quite interesting GP32 site i've just came across


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Re: new toy!!!!! Anyone heard of a GP32?
« Reply #2 on: April 06, 2003, 09:42:17 PM »
I sure hope people shop around before even thinking of paying that, looks like he couldnt fully describe it emself either as his description looks alittle like that from the gbax.com review

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Re: new toy!!!!! Anyone heard of a GP32?
« Reply #3 on: April 09, 2003, 09:56:33 PM »
The world has gone GP32 crazy, Which can only be a good thing.  Can`t It???.

Well i dunno about the world but i can vouch for the UK going alittle crazy on this unknown gem.
I was talking to craig from GBAX yesterday and he told me to phone before ordering one online as the demand recently has been really HUGE so they may run out of currents stocks, the reason for his is that its seems to be a great bit of kit, and because it was just recently Slashdotted!

If you need Smartmedia cards and you're in the UK, take a look at www.7dayshop.com. You can get a 128Mb card for about £24 there.

I'm gonna get one in a few weeks time, but in the meantime i have got myself some cheap SMC'S :-)  
Thanks for that info Axeman!

As a side note, i have been talking with some of the guys who have been using them for some time and some who develop things for it to, and there take is that only in the past while things have really started to pick up for it, emulators our starting to get very recent updates, some commerical games have been released and as said before in an earlier post, Pinball Dreams is available for it with possibly more in the pinball trilogy to follow.
 Native commerical games for me our not the selling point anyway (there ain't many), it's the emulation, C64 on the move!  wohoo:)
Mame is also in the works and there has been a release of that a few days ago, not sure if it has sound yet but its running some of the older titles pretty well like Ghost "n" Goblins, Genesis/Megadrive emulator also has been in the works for some time but the author does not want to release it until its perfect, but its coming along nicely from what i've heard.
 I Think also its just a matter of time before we see a GBA emulator, thats gonna smoke it's CPU if it can do that :)
There also seems to be a big demand for some sort of Amiga Emulator for it also, i've seen quite big threads/chat (nice one Axeman) about this subject and and in various IRC GP related channels,  most would agree that this would be the jewel in the crown if it's ever pulled of,  i won't hold my breath in that one though.

I will say one thing about the GP32 owners i've talked with recently, they remind me of Amiga users and how we look upon our classic bit of hardware, friendly/helpfull know what there speaking about and most of all, they love it and very protective/dedicated  to it
They also see a possible huge future for it, when the world knows,  sounds familar huh ;-)

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Re: new toy!!!!! Anyone heard of a GP32?
« Reply #4 on: April 12, 2003, 05:17:58 AM »
Been fiddling with the C64 emulator. Put Last Ninja 2 on it (some of the best music ever on the C64). Also a few others. Can anyone suggest some games to put on there? I never actually had many c64 games

Totally agree, fine music in all the of The Last Ninja trilogy very much including the later released Last Ninja 2 Remix.  Did it run 100% with the sound to?

As for C64 games to try, ermm, thats  a tough one at 5am but i would be personally trying Turrican 1 & 2, Creatures 1&2. Turbo Outrun, Myth, Flimbos Quest,  and X-Out, plus LOADS of others that don't come to mind at the moment.

Some of those games came to the C-64 later in it's life and prolly help push its capabilities, be interesting to know how well they run on the GP32.