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Author Topic: The Perfect MorphOS Machine (Well Almost)  (Read 10981 times)


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Offline MotormouthTopic starter

The Perfect MorphOS Machine (Well Almost)
« on: February 26, 2014, 05:41:40 AM »
I recently bought a powermac g5 off of ebay for MorphOS
Specifically a powermac7,3 A1047 (EMC 2061)
It has a 2.0 Ghz 970fx x2, 2 GB of memory, and a 250 GB HardDrive
The most important thing is listing said it had a 256 MB ATI video card.
Best of all these computers are relatively cheap and plentiful on ebay, (unlike Amigas)

Back to the video card
Since it was a g5 AGP card with 256 MB, I figured it was at least an ATI 9650 or higher, maybe a 9800XT, or even a X800XT.
Before firing up the computer, I opened the case.
Wow it is beautiful inside.  It looks like what I imaged a modern Amiga would look like.
I would have to say this is even nicer than an A3000D.
Looking the expansion slots I see this huge video card with a monster heat sink.
Jackpot, it looks like a high end video card!   But wait I see an Nvidia logo on the heat sink, darn.

Too bad MorphOS does not have drivers for these.  Well the video card ended up being an Nvidia 6800GT.
I wrote the seller and told him the problem.  He said the computer had an ATI 9800XT video card in it that died before shipping, so he threw a nicer 256 MB 6800 GT into it.  He didn’t think anyone would care.
Well to end the story he gave me a partial refund.  I picked up a cheap oem apple version ATI 9600 video card with 128 MB.   MorphOS is working nicely.
The question now is, what to do with the Mac Nvidia 6800GT?  It is much nicer than the ATI 9600.  Is there any chance of MorphOS drivers for Nvidia cards?  Should I just sell it?

Offline MotormouthTopic starter

Re: The Perfect MorphOS Machine (Well Almost)
« Reply #1 on: February 27, 2014, 03:58:02 AM »
Quote from: JJ;759757
I would not hold your breath for Nvidia drivers.   If you not got spare pc to put it in , I would sell/give it away.  IMHO

The Mac version of the 6800 GT would have to be heavily modded to work in a PC.  First it is flashed for macs.  Second it is AGP Pro x8 1.5v, not many PC motherboards implement AGP Pro.  Finally the mac version uses the the special ADC edge connector as an Auxiliary power source, instead of a 4 pin molex, or 6 and 8 pin collectors used today.  The mac 6800 GT would have to be modified to work with a different auxiliary power source.  

I am not going to say that this is impossible, it probably is not worth it in 2014.

Offline MotormouthTopic starter

Re: The Perfect MorphOS Machine (Well Almost)
« Reply #2 on: February 27, 2014, 04:05:23 AM »

I noticed in your message footer, 'Purchased a 2.0 GHz G5 PowerMac for now (and I have 2.3 PCI-E G5 PowerMac for future revisions of MorphOS)."

Do you think there are plans to support powermac11,2  (ie PCI-E G5 powermacs) under morphos in the near future?

Offline MotormouthTopic starter

Re: The Perfect MorphOS Machine (Well Almost)
« Reply #3 on: February 28, 2014, 12:22:13 AM »
Yeah selling the 6800 GT probably makes sense.  They look like they fetch about half the price of a powermac G5.

Offline MotormouthTopic starter

Re: The Perfect MorphOS Machine (Well Almost)
« Reply #4 on: February 28, 2014, 12:27:06 AM »
Quote from: haywirepc;759831
Perfect? Not really, add an ssd boot drive and your really close though I think. It would boot in 2 seconds! (I think so anyway, my emac 1.25ghz with really old 40gb boot drive boots in 6 seconds)

though I do agree with you,  the title:  "The Perfect MorphOS Machine (Well Almost) expect for no SDD nor 2.7 Ghz" does not quite sell the thread as effectively.

Offline MotormouthTopic starter

Re: The Perfect MorphOS Machine (Well Almost)
« Reply #5 on: March 01, 2014, 02:09:09 AM »
Quote from: rzookol;759791
My PowerMac G5 has X1950Xt 256 MB and it works perfectly (OF+MacosX)

Sorry about keeping this thread alive, but one last question.  What does (OF+MacOSX) mean?

I get the MacOSX part, but not the OF.