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Author Topic: ACK Announces 1.0Ghz and 1.7Ghz CPU modules for AmigaOne  (Read 5024 times)


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Re: ACK Announces 1.0Ghz and 1.7Ghz CPU modules for AmigaOne
« on: April 25, 2006, 01:40:43 AM »
The point is to show that the A1 has a foothold as a PC competator and is keeping up with the times, and the prices reflect the fact that these are still Early-Bird systems, meaning low production levels.

Just wait until OS4 is released, then you will see a dramatic shift in prices as A1 sales and manufacturing will increase.

I am one of those waiting for the release of a finished OS4 and bug free U-Boot, at that time the Motherboards will be polished off and have proper packaging and the CPU's will fall in price due to increased demand.

The fact that the CPUs have been made is promising, as it will increase sales due to PC users who (remembering the Amiga but comparing it to a PC for CPU power) may make the switch over.

You have to remember that they are trying to make a PC beater, and this is exactly the way to go about it, the price tag at this stage in the game is inevitable, demand has to increase for the tag to fall, and believe me demand will be high; just not at this point.