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Re: New AGA SDL Development
« on: May 07, 2013, 10:25:33 PM »
Quote from: NovaCoder;733965

   1. Only AGA 8 bit full-screen modes supported (320x200 -> 640x480).
   2. No CDROM support
   3. No OpenGL (obviously)
   4. No hardware accelerated graphics (again, kind of obvious)

http://code.google.com/p/unitedstatesofamiga/This library is already being used to port NetSurf to AGA :)

If I can get this working properly it should make it much easier to port a lot of new stuff to AGA quickly.

Good job! :-)

1.- What about those 15bit/16bit C2Ps? these aren't fast but could be useful for some of your ports. Kalms published some sources and there are more from Rune Stenslad

4.- Blitter could speed up bitblits in screen although having 060 it probably doesn't worth it.

It's a pity that Chaozer never released the sources of his WarpSDL library. http://www.algonet.se/~chaozer/warpsdl.shtml
Not even the developer archive to be able to use it so it was an effort with not much fruits.

Perhaps somebody who knows him could try to get in touch with him to see if he's willing to release the developer archive or even better, the sources
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Re: New AGA SDL Development
« Reply #1 on: May 10, 2013, 10:11:49 AM »
Quote from: nicholas;734338
If you want HTML5, CSS3, JavaScript etc Netsurf is not the right tool for the job right now, what you need is a WebKit based browser such as Origyn/OWB to be ported to 68k Amiga OS.

It wouldn't be very usable though as the machines are so slow. It would be OK under emulation on a fast PC though.

Start here: http://aros-exec.org/modules/newbb/viewtopic.php?topic_id=7745

It would be interesting to use amiga libraries to replace them later with different/faster versions (like RapidXML, written in C++ -we would need to do a plain c interface for it- or taking a look at how asm-xml does his job), there are XML parsers written in x86 assembly that run ten times faster than C implementations (disabling some advanced features of course) so I think there's room for improvement in these newer browsers.


I wonder how Netsurf libraries compare to these in speed:
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Re: New AGA SDL Development
« Reply #2 on: May 14, 2013, 09:15:23 AM »
Quote from: NovaCoder;734680
NetSurf AGA, cool, hope it works ok for you (crosses fingers), make sure you get the latest version from Arti.


I just hope it doesn't use SDL at all as Netsurf for OS4 works in 8bit screens.
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Re: New AGA SDL Development
« Reply #3 on: May 14, 2013, 06:29:38 PM »
I don't think using a ClassAct/Reaction GUI requires a "total" rewrite.
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Re: New AGA SDL Development
« Reply #4 on: May 14, 2013, 11:12:59 PM »
Quote from: wawrzon;734941
there are threads over threads on this subject. almost none volunteered. nova looked at it but failed. i cant do it. artur cant do it. if someone just did it instead of giving valuable advises we would have it already. bernd suggested to adapt itix mui frontend, but itix will not do it either. so what for all that talk? we get what we can and be content with it.

years ago I did a small tool to create full sourcecode of Reaction GUIs (I didn't know C nor makefiles so real code is in C files...), the tool sources were crap but the generated code was acceptable. http://sourceforge.net/projects/cuaz/files/latest/download
xml2reaction was buggy but more or less functional, I could create ready to compile C guis with a gui.c file with main() and all the stuff and an "events.c" file ready to fill by the user (kinda visual basic with all that myButton_Clicked() functions). I then realized that MUI was more elegant and started to write a xml2mui but got bored and forgot about it. Some time later I looked at the tool sources and I think those are useless. It required expat.library, tons of stack, had memory leaks everywhere, null pointers and it probably won't work on os4. it worked on morphos 1.4.x thought (iirc I even did a native version, it was kinda funny because MorphOS lacks real Reaction and I used OS3.9 Reaction for that). If you want to learn to write Reaction guis fast the generated sources may help you. Look inside xml/ directory and you'll find some examples. There's even an xml/ide.xml that defines ide.c and an events.c file that can build ide.exe file, if you launch it you'll see an example app with menus. I also did small guis for my own basiliskII for os4 (i had hangs handling the hardfiles in the gui so that's the reason I never released it), etc... nowadays I lack time to code.

My advise is using the OS4 port as base and not the SDL one. And about ixemul... get rid of it, specially the nasty 6x versions
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Re: New AGA SDL Development
« Reply #5 on: May 15, 2013, 11:48:18 AM »
as I have stated in my previous message I lack time for real coding. My point is that doing reaction guis is not a big problem, check out my old tool and you'll see how to create a gui really fast and easily with almost no Reaction knowledge. Check out in the xml/ directory ide.xml, basilisk and others. You'll need to use fd2pragma to adapt the OS3.9 includes, I included a script to adapt these to MorphOS and it will probably require changing some parameter. If you wanted you could create a Reaction GUI to your ports in a just a few minutes.
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Re: New AGA SDL Development
« Reply #6 on: May 15, 2013, 06:36:47 PM »

I lack time :-( (and programming skills for sure) working+studying leaves me not much time to troll&code.
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Re: New AGA SDL Development
« Reply #7 on: May 16, 2013, 06:22:11 PM »
Quote from: nicholas;735193

Backporting Itix' Netsurf MUI source to 3.x might be easier, but it's not as up to date a Chris' Reaction port so it would need a fair bit of love and attention to bring it up to feature parity.

No, I'm not volunteering. ;)

Netsurf MUI runs way slower than even the first OWB version in my machines (My 604e/180 running OWB is faster than NetSurf2.0 in my 1.5Ghz Mac Mini) and it acts weird, if I type netsurf http://www.google.com it works but if I open it without URL it doesn't do anything when I type URLs.

About libc there are various choices:
-clib2 by olaf barthel. I think it's no longer maintained
-libnix, no longer maintained
-ixemul pre v60, unmaintained but compatible with OS4&MorphOS
-ixemul post v60, incompatible but maintained.
-newlib (would need to be ported to classic)

and there are various GCC branches generating incompatible static libraries:

If we used shared amiga libraries at least coders could choose their prefered compiler&clib, now it's quite chaotic and trying to compile your own netsurf version requires setting up exactly the same GCC & libc. The worst thing is that people who could help (MorphOS and OS4 coders) won't be able to even run the binary due to the choice of evil ixemul v6x. Does it really help? couldn't older versions be enough?
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Re: New AGA SDL Development
« Reply #8 on: May 16, 2013, 09:06:18 PM »

thx!*I used vbcc years ago and tried phxass+gcc but I don't remember ever trying posixlib. anyway I don't think it's easy to recompile on GCC. Sometimes code is not very portable and only compiles correctly with certain GCC versions (e.g. using \ at the end of defines on GCC2.95.x usually doesn't work but works in later versions)

Quote from: wawrzon;735224
so far i can tell aros brings posix compataiblility as well as amiga compatibility. you can prepare stuff to compile against aros and you will almost automatically get 68k stuff for amiga stable as soon as aros v1 is final. or even sooner, but unstable. staf is working on this. so no need to introduce another c library tp amiga-m68k.

ATM aros68k stuff can use ELF binaries and can avoid using classic ABI. I mean:*you can do aros 68k apps that won't work on AmigaOS3.x.


what concerns the objections voiced here by crumb and also by chris against netsurf sdl frontend. almost every time someone does anything on 68k, which is maybe not so smart (admittedly),

I love classics and that's why I point to a tool I did to help development of Reaction GUIs.

voices from mos or os4 camp try to tell us how wrong it is and that we should do that another way, compatible with theirs.

Sharing code with current OS4 port would mean much less work maintaining the OS3.x port. SDL+ixemul is alien unix and slow platform. Working on the same amiga branch means much less work in the long term. Chris is already helping pointing the parts that should be modified, I think he even modified some parts to make it easier to port to 68k.

a good example is bernds ixemul library debate. i acknowledge the authority of experienced coders like piru, but on the other hand we are given what we can get. if piru had backported mos ixemul improvements to 68k there wouldnt be the necessity for bernd to hack it.

Perhaps instead of breaking compatibility he should have renamed his version newixemul.library or something like that.

if chris or crumb, or itix would backport netsurf frontend to 68k, arti could put his sdl frontend away (perhaps). quarreling about that takes probably the amount of time it would take to implement it.

When I grow up I want to be like Chris, Itix. I haven't done any big project for Amiga, sorry. Hats off to both Arti and Novacoder for trying to actually do stuff. I'm not trying to stop them doing what they like, just trying to help them pointing to tools that could help them with Reaction GUI. If they want/like/have time they could take a look once the SDL part works.

im sorry i have no knowledge of programming and no capacity to learn it adequately. im an artist and my (amiga) time is limited too. im doing what i can. maybe im wrong, but except of all the noobs, 50% of people here work and are educated in it branche. why (for heavens sake) do i try to do that all, and those who can, dont even move a finger but complain?

I'm not complaining of Arti&Novacoder efforts! I don't think anybody complains about that... perhaps it looks like I don't move a finger but I'm quite frustrated with ixemul&clib2&libnix, damn GCC compilers and crappy non-portable unix code that don't compile or crash. There are many ready to use libnix static libraries but if you want to use ixemul these are useless. If people spent more time doing amiga shared libraries we wouldn't have to reinvent the wheel everytime. I say that because take a look at aminet, you'll see same static libraries recompiled n times for stormc, for gcc2.95 with libnix, for gcc2.95 with ixemul, damato MCCs require clib2 to compile (that's why some people couldn't recompile them for plain 68000)... if someone did a proper amiga shared library port then people using E/powerD/Blitz/SASC/StormC/vbcc/GCC+libnix/GCC+clib2/GCC2.95+ixemul/GCC3+ixemul v60... all them could use the same and we wouldn't need n times the same static code. Doing amiga shared libraries is not so easy, of course but what we get with static lib ports? nothing in the mid/long term because people uses other compilers and c libraries. Of course maintenance can be harder, but more people can collaborate. And if we share the interface with OS4/MorphOS guys there's more room for improvement and easier maintenance in the long term.

In order to avoid frustration working in the Reaction port will be better because when the SDL*AGA*port is ready you can be sure a lot of people will moan about speed (and they won't offer you reaction tools to speed up the gui part, they will just moan). SDL port is ok as an internal test "ok, everything compiles and network works, now let's do the Reaction/MUI*gui".

If I use classics & morphos is due to Amiga/MorphOS software and/or good ports, it's not due to quickly recompiled Unix CLI tools or a quickly recompiled SDL video player without even overlay support. I'm typing this from MorphOS Oddisey and you can bet that if I had to use a SDL*OWB port I would probably be using IBrowse. I respect and admire people who keeps using classics everyday.

PS:*I think you did a picture of a pegasos with a text "Pegasos ready for destruction" but don't know where I could find it (at good quality, I just saw a few Ambient backdrops).
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Re: New AGA SDL Development
« Reply #9 on: May 17, 2013, 09:53:17 AM »
Quote from: wawrzon;735241
if.. if.. if...... believe me, id prefer the same like you but neither from os4 nor mos camp there is enough good will to synchronize.

Perhaps you have a distorted view because Chris is trying to help and he even performed changes in his code to make it easier to adapt to OS3.x. Itix and Fab are always helpful, Fab for example always helps porting his apps to other OSes like AROS and OS4.x. Put some lines of classic amiga code and Piru will always help to optimize and iron out bugs. I don't think Kas1e doesn't have good will helping OS3.x users. But keep in mind they already did a choice and you can't force them to compile code for OS3.x specially if they no longer use these systems.

aros and genuine amiga people (68k) would come along but usually lack skills.

Until Jason and Toni Willen there were quite a lot of users who didn't care much about 68k nor compatibility with it.

and when you complain about bernd, id prefer he renamed the lib, but since he didnt everybody is free to resign on soft compiled against it and stay with 48.x (already a trouble). i myself always tried to go for libnix first, whatever...

The problem is that he created an artificial incompatibility because OS4&MOS have the most active coders and now you can be sure they won't help debugging any v60 ixemul app. Adapting AROS posix library to AmigasOS3.x would have been much less harmful. Don't get me wrong, it's great than someone codes for OS3.x and I can understand he choose to release his own version but that caused more fragmentation in our already fragmented community.

i trust you sdl is slow but have not seen any proof. depends on implementation i guess.

Just open SDL OWB on OS4 and compare it to OWB-MUI. Or just open Netsurf SDL on a real 060+RTG miggy. Download my tool and play with it and you'll see how easy is creating a Reaction GUI. To compile stuff you'll probably have to write:
gcc mygui.c events.c -o mygui.exe -noixemul
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