Ralph said Hyperion never asked him any doubt. Hyperion never reported Ralph any problem about his scsi drivers. They never asked him about documentation or help. BTW, I think no documentation would be required, perhaps simply asking him something like "we change these registers to that value like we did on some PCI cards but it doesn't work like it should, do you know if we have to modify any other register to init the scsi correctly?" may be enough.
BTW, they could also take a look at linux APUS, AFAIK BlizzardPPC SCSI works in latest Linux Apus versions.
I don't have to act as a "mediator" since I'm not selling OS4 and since they are the interested party in making OS4 succeed they should ask Ralph for help firstly. If they ever had received a "no" from Ralph I would act as a "mediator" and ask politely to Ralph, but since they don't seem to be interested in making their own OS successful and forgot about classic users I won't waste my time trying to get information about something that won't be released. I bought a copy despiting I had it for free due to betatesting though.
Some people in the dev team liked to claim OS3 scsi drivers were "broken" but they never informed about these "terrible" bugs so Ralph will hardly fix them if you never report them. I guess it's due to OS4 broken virtual memory system not being able to use proper amiga DMA (the same reason most zorro dma cards won't work...). IMHO when everything works and you release an incompatible system that breaks everything that worked without problems, claiming that all amiga dma drivers are broken is kinda funny.
they have the earlier prometheus drivers that should work with minor changes (it inited the rom without relying on emulators) but since there are just a few classic betatesters with decent equipment (most of them had blizzardppc with no scsi and sometimes they even lacked gfx card) I doubt they can even test it.
@Fastlane guys
won't happen. They will tell you that your fastlane is useless because using swap would be faster in theory (I haven't performed benchmarks but csppc scsi driver feels slower than MorphOS/OS3 one). But since os4 classic doesn't support swap yet we are stucked with what we have. You'll probably have noticed that the 16MB of your motherboard aren't used with OS4, right? BTW, scsi part of fastlane won't work since OS4 virtual memory breaks every amiga dma driver. The sad part is that this "OS4 virtual memory" idea is completely useless on OS4 classic: you lose compatibility with dma drivers and you don't have swap memory.