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Author Topic: New PS3/Nintendo Wii, gaming in general  (Read 3591 times)


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Offline tonyvdb

Re: New PS3/Nintendo Wii, gaming in general
« on: November 16, 2006, 07:42:32 PM »
They go on sale tonight (Thursday) at midnight here in Canada as well. But why wait in line for it as it will be far less inexpensive after Christmas. Im likeing the Nintendo one as they again will have alot of the games that my kids can play as well as myself. I'm not much into the kill mame and destroy aspect of alot of the Xbox and PS games.
I wonder if the Nintendo will alow playback of the HD DVDs right out of the box?
Amiga 2000HD Indivision ECS
Amiga 4000D towerised OS 3.1 and 3.9 on CF cards
Indivision AGA, Mediator 4000
Video Toaster 4000 Flyer v4.3 Millenium.
202gig of video drive space & 5gig audio.

Offline tonyvdb

Re: New PS3/Nintendo Wii, gaming in general
« Reply #1 on: November 17, 2006, 03:13:31 PM »
Some of you have mentioned the BlueRay capabilities of the PS3. Dont get sucked into buying it because of that. The high deff output of the PS3 will never be as good as a stand alone player and the price has already come down on them since they first came out. By mid next year more companies will have High deff players out and the price will fall. Nintendo put alot of effort into the development of the Wii and the ingenious controller will make games fun to play again. The Wii is also 100% backwards compatible playing all the N-game cube games as well as downloading all the rom games from the N-64 so its got my vote.
Amiga 2000HD Indivision ECS
Amiga 4000D towerised OS 3.1 and 3.9 on CF cards
Indivision AGA, Mediator 4000
Video Toaster 4000 Flyer v4.3 Millenium.
202gig of video drive space & 5gig audio.

Offline tonyvdb

Re: New PS3/Nintendo Wii, gaming in general
« Reply #2 on: November 17, 2006, 04:42:04 PM »

adolescent wrote:

FUD.  Care to quote a reliable source on this?  

This has been the case with the X-box and its DVD output as well. The PS3 has no bench test reviews as of yet but it is almost a garentee that it will fall into the "spend alot of time developing the gaming graphics quality, CPU and not enough on the Video output quality" rut.
You dont need to beleave me (I do have alot of knowledge in this field) but you will kick yourself later when you find out. Sony has never had great video output from any of there DVD players in the past so this will most likely be the same (Denon has the best on the market). The laser pickup assembly, motor trasport, power suply transformer quality  and digital prossing all play factors in how good the quality is.
Amiga 2000HD Indivision ECS
Amiga 4000D towerised OS 3.1 and 3.9 on CF cards
Indivision AGA, Mediator 4000
Video Toaster 4000 Flyer v4.3 Millenium.
202gig of video drive space & 5gig audio.

Offline tonyvdb

Re: New PS3/Nintendo Wii, gaming in general
« Reply #3 on: November 17, 2006, 05:44:01 PM »

Tomas wrote:
The decoder chips and output is what really counts.

"and digital processing" Thats what I was talking about. HD DVDs will still need to be decoded and that uses a different process then outputting the Game video. Sony will not have spent much time on this because of the price that the PS3 is marked at.
Amiga 2000HD Indivision ECS
Amiga 4000D towerised OS 3.1 and 3.9 on CF cards
Indivision AGA, Mediator 4000
Video Toaster 4000 Flyer v4.3 Millenium.
202gig of video drive space & 5gig audio.

Offline tonyvdb

Re: New PS3/Nintendo Wii, gaming in general
« Reply #4 on: November 17, 2006, 05:49:34 PM »

adolescent wrote:
A lot of knowledge in this field?  A couple of posts back you thought the Wii could play HD-DVD.  Heck, you didn't even know how to SPELL Blu-Ray. :lol:  


Be nice, I have minor dyslexia and I have trouble typing what I want to. I know the difference between the different High Deff formats. And it is a "Blue" Laser that reads the disk. I can also tell you that the HDMI/DVI interface dosent always mean that you get a better signal to the display as some of the DVD players out there do a far better job decoding the video signal then the TV displays do particularly CRT displays using component can give far better results.  I have a 53" High Deff rear projection CRT display at home that blows most of the LCD and Plasma displays out of the field for picture quality. Particularly after I have calibrated it properly (they come poorly adjusted from the factory)  
Amiga 2000HD Indivision ECS
Amiga 4000D towerised OS 3.1 and 3.9 on CF cards
Indivision AGA, Mediator 4000
Video Toaster 4000 Flyer v4.3 Millenium.
202gig of video drive space & 5gig audio.

Offline tonyvdb

Re: New PS3/Nintendo Wii, gaming in general
« Reply #5 on: November 17, 2006, 06:48:44 PM »
There were many people camped out for two or more days here at various locations in below freezing temperatures (-7oC). Thats way to dedicated of a fan for me.
Amiga 2000HD Indivision ECS
Amiga 4000D towerised OS 3.1 and 3.9 on CF cards
Indivision AGA, Mediator 4000
Video Toaster 4000 Flyer v4.3 Millenium.
202gig of video drive space & 5gig audio.

Offline tonyvdb

Re: New PS3/Nintendo Wii, gaming in general
« Reply #6 on: November 18, 2006, 05:19:01 PM »
HDMI has always had issues, If the "handshake" between the DVD player or other device is not perfect the TV/display will block the signal. This is because of copyright laws that prohibit recording video in High deff from the players so there is little to no tolerance allowed in the digital video stream.
Amiga 2000HD Indivision ECS
Amiga 4000D towerised OS 3.1 and 3.9 on CF cards
Indivision AGA, Mediator 4000
Video Toaster 4000 Flyer v4.3 Millenium.
202gig of video drive space & 5gig audio.