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Author Topic: THOR's Shell Hacks  (Read 41813 times)


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Re: THORs Shell Hacks
« on: February 05, 2015, 04:02:20 AM »
Thomas I just want to say, that you seem to be a treasure trove of really useful information for the Amiga. The set interactive bit is fantastic. I've done a lot of Amiga shell scripting and used to have a whole directory dedicated to command line scripts that I'd built.

This stuff is great. If you don't have a blog, I would suggest that you put one up. Especially when it comes to coding. There are fewer and fewer resources every year when it comes to doing more than opening a window and having it shut after 2 or 3 seconds.

If you do modern app development on MacOS, Windows or Linux, making comparisons to those platforms on how things are done could be very valuable. Even comparing to the web if you've done web dev.

I do mostly web dev and iOS work these days but usually want to jump in and start but don't know how. I recently asked you for an example on how to load an image using datatypes. I'm having a few issues with my compiler but otherwise it's fantastic

I'd love to know the equivalent of rendering a button and attaching a method that gets fired when the button is pressed. And after I get the rest of the image stuff under control I'll poke around your website for clues there.

I just want to say that your input is greatly appreciated.
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