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Author Topic: RESOLVED: LHA and Directory Opus issues  (Read 4517 times)


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Offline scuzzb494

Re: LHA and Directory Opus issues
« on: September 09, 2020, 01:39:56 AM »
When you say classic system, what computer are you talking about? Maybe I missed it.

Run SnoopDOS in the background and it will tell you what is failing.

Open the SHELL and type LHA and see if it opens the command listing that tells you how to use LHA.  The file should be just LHA not sure what other files there are. In C there should be the Tool.. LHA.

If you download a DOpus config file from Aminet like say BlueDopus and copy the config to your DOPUS/s drawer, you will not only get the unarchive but also the LHA archive button and many more. I assume also you assigned DOPus to whereever you put it.



Chicken and egg ....


No idea what copy of DOPus you have but if its like the one that came with CU Amiga disk 100 then DOpus already carries a copy of lha in its own C drawer. Just copy it to your workbench C drawer. There really is no reason on earth why Dopus shouldn't see its own lha file.