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Author Topic: Help me with my word editor for amiga  (Read 1908 times)


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Offline SlimJim

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Re: Help me with my word editor for amiga
« on: December 17, 2002, 04:21:55 PM »
I write long texts. I don't need any fancy picture
objects or tables. My priority would be getting a stable
(extremely stable!) word processor. That and high speed,
so that no lag can be detected when editing large portions
of text. Perhaps reduce amount of supported formats.
 Support of standard layout features such as line breaks
and paragraph indents (and little more) would be more than
sufficient for almost all texts I write, including reports.
Different sized fonts is good, but not required. I would miss
the italic/bold/plain setting though :-)...
GUI-wise, I wish for as much page real estate on the
screen as possible. No rulers, no toolbars, no fancy buttons
(except perhaps a slim status bar so you know saving
works ok). If there is a GUI, it should be completely
removable, everything accessable as keyboard shortcuts,
including style-changes and file operations. When I write, I
don't want to start moving the mouse to change settings.
Final Writer goes a long way in that respect. I have put
'italic' style on the F2 button for example and must have
written >600 pages in FW97. Too bad it's not very stable on my
(Xemacs (on Linux) would be my cup of tea if one could let
it do proper indentation and line breaks. Anyone knows if
you can set those features anywhere in xemacs?)