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Yes to both questions. The joy/mouse ports are banging the hardware registers exactly like on a C= machine. I think that the only serial peripheral you cannot use with the Natami serial port is Amiga serial port samplers (since the serial port audio leads are not there. But since there are oldschool parallel port samplers too, it isn't really much of a problem. Besides, we have hifi audio in... ). I am going to be using an Amiga MIDI interface with my Natami myself.
Great! What about original keyboards? There was an old Natami Youtube video where they seemed to have an original A3000 keyboard hooked up. That would be very nice.
While I applaud this effort and the progress it has reached this far (and thinks the pictures of the PCB are really cool), I'd still humbly want to point out that it still is just as unreleased as, for example, the Pios One, BoXeR and Dragon:http://www.amigahistory.co.uk/pios/pios1mb.jpghttp://www.amigahistory.co.uk/boxer3.jpghttp://tdolphin.org/amikrak/amizaduszki2k6/DSC01915.JPGhttp://tdolphin.org/amikrak/amizaduszki2k6/DSC01922.JPGIt still has some way to go, and from history we have learned that this is where many projects fail. Not that I think they will fail, but the "product" still isn't a *product*. So it's still vapor!
"You guys"?!Hehe, look, the few people responsible for the flooding of Commodore USA threads are a handful of loud Hyperion supporters starting thread after thread about how much they don't want to see Commodore USA threads! :lol: :lol: :lol:Look, someone made some statement like: "in your face, you people who thought this was vapor ware", and I simply responded that it still is! Because it is! And so is "x1000" BTW. And Clone-A. And..., and..., and...Edit: http://www.amiga.org/forums/showthread.php?t=29050Many are the Amiga related HW projects that was shelved after the first PCB's were made, but before real commercialization. *Most* projects in fact, much more than the few examples I showed pictures of above. Maybe it is because when you have your prototype ready, you have to start thinking about the economic reality. Commercial Viability, Risk Assessment, etc. Possibly this is a *much bigger challenge* than doing the engineering stuff, and that's why almost all projects fail in this stage. I'm not saying that the NatAmi will fail. I'm just saying it's way too soon to lift the "vapor" label from it. It has yet to face its biggest challenge...That doesn't mean I don't like the project (I honestly do), so please quit the grumpy comments...
Yes, but there was a major differance in those projects and the NATAMI.Thomas does this whole project as his personal quest to revive the AMIGA - The NATAMI project is not done to make any money. All of the team know that we will not make any money on this.But money is not our goal.
Could you lot stop quoting takemehomegrandma so much? He's on my ignore list for a reason, you're not helping! :laughing: