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Author Topic: VGA graphic card for AMIGA 2000  (Read 2721 times)


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Offline mechy

Re: VGA graphic card for AMIGA 2000
« on: October 25, 2015, 12:59:25 AM »
Quote from: Iggy;798071
Hmm, I'm a sucker for this kind of thing as I have kept my A2000 around for so long because it appeals to me as the most bullet proof Amiga model.

But what are they emulating with the fpga?

And will it be faster than a low cost Voodoo3 in a PCI expansion for the A1200 or A4000 (where the cost of the expansion is the primary issue)?

There is a point where a really advanced 68K Amiga begins to get near the bottom level of an NG system's performance.

But no matter how much money you throw at it, its never going to really compete.

Even with my disappointment over the Tabor's specs, money invested in PPC hardware still seems (at least to me) to be a better deal in terms of dollars vs performance.

Still, would I buy one...er...maybe.
AND an fpga accelerator.

I never insisted on my Amiga purchases making sense, for God's sake!

Althought i love the 2000 and own them and started out on them, realise zorro2 bus is a horribly slow bottleneck on the 2000,topping out at 3.5MB/s on a good day downhill with the wind. it can never meet or exceed the A3000/4000 zorro3 which tops out around 14MB/s or so.
The 1200  has a smaller access window(mediator wise) than the 3000/4000 not to mention no buster 11 so it falls somewhere between the 2000 and zorro3 machines speed wise.

the only way to get decent gfx performance is to get a zorro3 machine. that is not to say it doesnt work on zorro2,its just when you kick the res up it really slows down

Offline mechy

Re: VGA graphic card for AMIGA 2000
« Reply #1 on: October 25, 2015, 04:58:06 PM »
Quote from: Iggy;798073
THAT is why I have not considered RTG graphics in the past.
Even the transfer speeds of the 3000 and 4000 are kind of painful compared to more modern hardware.

So, legacy Amiga...fun but not practical.

comparing it to modern hardware makes absolutely no sense because if all you want is modern hardware, you wouldn't be messing with amiga. I use a mediator in a 4k with 060/ppc, and i can tell you the radeon is always waiting around twiddling its thumbs at 1600x1200x32 workench res. the Picasso Iv served me well thru the 90's on also.

if you meant transfer speed as in scsi etc, UWscsi on the csMK3 and ppc cards does around 35-40MB/s and i assure its quite nice. The right comination of parts in a 3000/4000 does quite well.
« Last Edit: October 25, 2015, 05:00:14 PM by mechy »