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Author Topic: Amiga chips on eBay  (Read 2296 times)


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Offline da9000

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Re: Amiga chips on eBay
« on: March 10, 2007, 12:22:44 PM »
I'm tired of hearing the "they're going to the trash" excuse.

If you want to sell something quick, you lower the price or make a more attractive package, you don't "force" the sale with such words.

If you were going to trash them, you would have done it anyways; certainly much easier than trying your luck on eBay.

But even if they don't sell and you want to get rid of them, there's an easier way still (and one every TRUE Amigan would chose, because you know full well you can't throw away something sacred :-D ): you'd pass them on. Basically you ask in the forum and I'm sure someone will pay the shipping charges for you to send them to him/her.

Bet it won't happen though.

Offline da9000

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Re: Amiga chips on eBay
« Reply #1 on: March 12, 2007, 02:21:59 AM »
Let me first say that I agree with what TjLaZer is saying.



I didn't direct the comment at your prices or anything like that. In fact I never saw your items (well, until that fellow posted a link, and he made a good point, read it). Going further, I wasn't passing judgement on yours prices, and by the time I saw the link the items were gone (good for you!), but I'd say that if you were asking $10 a chip, it's not so bad (depending on the chip and shipping of course).

What I was saying is the irritation that comes with the false THREATS that I commonly see everywhere, here, on eBay, but also Craigslist: "they're going to the trash tonight if you don't come (when I want you to, and how I want you to <- never said, but implied)",  "I'm putting it out at 8am, trash pickup at 8:30am (have fun suckers <- never said, but implied)", "they're by the front yard, but hurry, rain forecast for this afternoon (bring an umbrella suckers<- never said but implied)" etc

It's people playing with someone else's "pain" or "suffering", because if someone is in need (or a die hard Amigan who cannot see an Amiga item being trashed), he'll go through a lot of hoops to get that item. And that's what these threats are "praying upon": let's see how FAR X person in need, desperation, or Amiga-fanatic, will go through for Y item. It's not cool. It's similar to what the Romans did at the Colloseum: let's see how long people (Christians and others, gotta have variety, right?) will last against hungry lions and tigers.

There's a name for such people: TYRANTS.

So, like TjLaZer says: you do what the hell you want with the items, they are yours afterall, but be conscious of two things:  1) it doesn't make it right, or your a virtuous person, to trash it JUST because you have no need or plenty or you got bored, etc (especially with vintage/rare and Amiga stuff, but that is what you'll have, hopefully, nightmares about every single day afterwards), but MOST importantly 2) don't FORCE or threaten people just because you want to trash them; just DO IT and shut up. Don't talk about it. Why do you have to rub it in? How would someone, you perhaps, like to be in a situation (I know, not the best example, but I feel obligated to make people, that think think this way, understand) where they need drug X, because they're sick, but I'm too bothered to even send it for the cost of shipping, because I'm grouchy or angry for not having anyone buy it from me, and I decide to not only empty the bottle in the sink, but also write them an email TELLING them I did that. Isn't that ... err, REVENGE of sorts?

/[rant finished:YES];

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Re: the as-is method
« Reply #2 on: March 12, 2007, 02:57:18 AM »
Oh, there's TONS of people in Montreal who love Amigas! When I visited Montreal a while ago for some demo-party, there were a ton of Amiga fans, and much more hardcore than any around here. Canadians know their Amigas, that's for sure. Just as an example: the X-Calibur 040 accelerator was made in Canada (although to be honest I don't know which side of the country)


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Re: the as-is method
« Reply #3 on: March 12, 2007, 04:21:47 AM »

I understand your point very well (I've been there too), and it's only too logical. The owner is the owner after all.

But there's a fine distinction about what some of us are saying. Let me make it clear:

If you have X items, rare, uber-rare, and Amiga too, and you post them someplace, for free, or pickup, with your terms, REASONABLE terms:

"hey guys, I have X items, and I must have them out of here by Y date, so if anyone is interested, please call 123-456-6789 or email here@stuff.org"

and then NOBODY comes within the aloted time, or they're all a bunch of flakes and then you decide to throw them out because they're yours after all AND that was your intention from the beginning (<- VERY important distinction) and then a week later I call you and ask you:

"hey LoadWB, have you got those X items from last week"

and you simply reply:

"Sorry dude, nobody showed up and they sadly had to go"

then believe me: you are NOT damned or a jerk. You're a man of your word, who offered a great opportunity which wasn't taken up. Sad, but honest and true.

I believe that anyone in their right mind would see you in the same way. People who're somewhat fscked and think you OWE THEM will be offended or what not, but then again, they're unrealistic (idiots).

The first is true even for me, a die-hard Amiga fan, even if those items were Amiga items that you threw away. I would never call you a jerk or get offended. Of course from my point of view, and to myself, you would not be a true Amigan and maybe even a shameful Amigan, if you did throw them out, BUT that still does NOT make you a jerk or damned because (and here comes the distinction) you did it out of NECESSITY (wife, garage-full, new baby, whatever the reasons, they are yours and most likely honest, because why else would you give stuff for free?)! But this is a whole other issue (me thinking you're not a true Amigan), and it's my personal opinion which would be in my head for 5-10 minutes and then gone, never to be shared with anyone on a.org or anyplace else (unless you threw out an AAA chipset dev. board or something :)

But notice how this case differs ever so slightly from those who are purposefully tyranical.

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Re: the as-is method
« Reply #4 on: March 12, 2007, 07:42:35 AM »

Do you mean e's place (Amiga stuff) or the streets? (at least last time I was there, the cabbie was asking us if we wanted some, and then we realized he was pointing at some hot biatches in the street; apparently prostitution was/is quite legal and 'in your face' in montreal ;-) )

All in all a very cool city. Very lively (European style) indeed!