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Author Topic: (RFD) Olive branches and reuniting the community? (MorphOS / Amiga)  (Read 10713 times)


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Offline ferrellsl

I was "out" of the Amiga community during the years of conflict between the Amiga and MorphOS camps.  Recently,(2007) I dug up my A1200 from storage and also purchased a PegII.  So, having missed all the years of the contention, I actually feel like an outsider looking in at the conflict.  And as an outsider, I'm still wondering what all the fuss has been about.  For those who may or may not have been shafted by Genesi, Thendic, bPlan, et. al., I understand your hard feelings.  But from a user of both Amigas and MorphOS systems, I'm at a loss as to why so many casual users, hobbyists and programmers want to fight.  I love my Amigas and I love my PegII.  I have OS4.1 and MorphOS 2.2 on my PegII.  I have OS 3.9 on my A1200.  I guess what I'm trying to say is that there's always room for diversity.  The fact that there is  alternative hardware and software out there to run OS4/Morphos only serves to strengthen the Amiga community (I include the MorphOS community in there).  From my perspective, the disagreements appear to be strictly subjective in nature since OS 3.9, OS4.1, MorphOS, and AROS share much of the same codebase.  Whether or not one person prefers Ambient over Workbench is meaningless.  It's a personal preference and we should all be thankful that we have a CHOICE!!!