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Author Topic: Acer Aspire One  (Read 1937 times)


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Offline fishy_fiz

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Re: Acer Aspire One
« on: September 25, 2011, 08:35:12 AM »
If it is indeed an AspireOne there's actually an AROS distro targetting it named AspireOS. If Im not mistaken its tailored towards d-110 and d-150 models (I think theyre the model numbers at least, Im going by memory).
Those particular models have supported Intel gfx (albiet 2d), sound, and networking (wireless even). If Im not mistaken other models also have supported graphics and sound, but may be hit or miss with networking. There is however now a wireless usb network driver for AROS, so there is options if youre unlucky and dont have a model that supports networking.
Near as I can tell this is where I write something under the guise of being innocuous, but really its a pot shot at another persons/peoples choice of Amiga based systems. Unfortunately only I cant see how transparent and petty it makes me look.