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Author Topic: Lets talk: Alien Breed  (Read 10008 times)


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Offline fishy_fiz

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Re: Lets talk: Alien Breed
« on: November 09, 2010, 08:21:03 AM »
I remember playing AlienBreed1 when it was brand new. Me and a few friends sat around my amiga eagerly anticipating playing it. I was one of the 1st to play and for about 10 minutes I thought it was the greatest game ever. Nice graphics, great atmosphere, the computers you could access and play pong. After a while though the initial excitement wavered a little, but I kept playing expecting to find it again. For me that never came. I wouldnt say it's a bad game at all, it's still a competant shooter, but for me it's appeal dwindled very quickly. Each to thier own and whatnot though.....

Now as for AlienBreed3d I vey much enjoyed it. For it's day, besides resolution it was a fairly impressive engine and was silky smooth on even a modest a1200 (played it on a 28mhz corba mk2 '030 + 4 meg fast if I recall correctly). Well crafted gameplay and good level design, plus that atmosphere that AlienBreed had briefly stays around in AB3D.

AlienBreed3d 2:TKG I initially didnt like. Despite looking nice, even against it's peers on other platforms of the day it just wasnt playable on the 50mhz blizz 4 '030 + 8 meg fast I was using at the time. I tried to persist, but it just felt "muddy" and unresponsive so I wrote the game off.
Some years later however while finding out about an RTG patch for it I was an amithlon user so decided to see how it played on fast hardware and was pleasantly surprised to find it completely changed the experience. It's actually not too far removed from an enhanced (both resolution and engine, etc.) version of AB3D1 when you have powerful enough hardware behind it and when it does I'd put it in my top few Amiga FPS games. Very much chalk and cheese between the 2 systems I ran it on.
« Last Edit: November 09, 2010, 08:23:40 AM by fishy_fiz »
Near as I can tell this is where I write something under the guise of being innocuous, but really its a pot shot at another persons/peoples choice of Amiga based systems. Unfortunately only I cant see how transparent and petty it makes me look.

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Re: Lets talk: Alien Breed
« Reply #1 on: November 10, 2010, 09:19:04 AM »
Has anyone ever played with the AB3D2:TKG editors ? Would be fun to recreate some AB3D1 levels with the sequels engine.
Also, has anyone tried any of the various patches for AB3d2 ? I've used the RTG one, but no others. Do the speedup patches for custom chipset amigas make much of a difference ?
It seems there's a bit of potential there for inclined people to have a bit of amiga specific fps creative fun, but Ive seen very few attempts. I assume there's a reason for this ?
Near as I can tell this is where I write something under the guise of being innocuous, but really its a pot shot at another persons/peoples choice of Amiga based systems. Unfortunately only I cant see how transparent and petty it makes me look.

Offline fishy_fiz

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Re: Lets talk: Alien Breed
« Reply #2 on: November 15, 2010, 02:07:27 PM »

Might be worth trying a different port of 2 of Doom. There's a big difference in speed between some of the Amiga versions. ADoom seems to be a favorite for 68k (not sure if theres a ppc version though).
Near as I can tell this is where I write something under the guise of being innocuous, but really its a pot shot at another persons/peoples choice of Amiga based systems. Unfortunately only I cant see how transparent and petty it makes me look.