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Author Topic: How is OS4 ?  (Read 20743 times)


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Re: How is OS4 ?
« Reply #14 from previous page: June 16, 2010, 11:05:54 PM »
Quote from: Fab;564988
That's basically what something like getvideo does. And getvideo can be integrated very easily to OWB in contextmenus.

Only that getvideo doesn't support the sites I need. And no, I'm not talking about porn sites, btw there's also an option to filter them out, activated by default :)

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Re: How is OS4 ?
« Reply #15 on: June 16, 2010, 11:09:46 PM »
Quote from: Piru;564991
I use Iceweasel on Debian GNU/Linux and Firefox on Mac OS X daily. There are no extensions that I'd need for the OWB. The most important extensions (adblock, web inspector, greasemonkey) are already covered. Obviously this is personal taste and need, there's no denying that Firefox has an extensive add-on library. I just can't think of any of them I'd need desperately.

I agree with that. What Crumb said is that no-one would ever find the actual version of Timberwolf to be usable, and I wanted to correct him.


Then again OS4 Timberwolf requires some work to be actually useful as the daily browser. And even if it does reach maturity at some point it still lacks basic features such as flash.

Meanwhile MorphOS users can enjoy full experience with a mature OWB browser, with flash and well working html5. So in that sense MorphOS still reigns, regardless of the Timberwolf alpha.

That is of course true. The point was that Timberwolf can be already seen as an advantage to OWB by some, and the number will probably grow the more it will mature.

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Re: How is OS4 ?
« Reply #16 on: June 16, 2010, 11:21:06 PM »
Quote from: takemehomegrandma;564994
If you're ready to discuss pro's, then you should also be ready to discuss con's.

And that's different to what Crumb has done. He has been discussing only the con's regarding OS4, avoiding any mention of any pro. Regardless of how many pro's or con's a system has, you should always provide both to a person who'd like info about it, and leave to him to decide whetever they fit his needs or not.


But perhaps it's best to not make any comparisons at this point and wait with highlighting benefits and disadvantages until the software is here in a *release version*, when we *can actually see* what's *really* on the table?

I have already something useful on the table, so I don't understand why I should not talk about this.


What you really are doing isn't praising Timberwolf, you are voicing frustration about the extremely poor web browser situation you had to live with for so long on OS4.

That do you imply that I'm really that frustrated by the browser situation? If for instance there would have been no browser available for OS4, I'd use my PC to do it, not an ideal solution but certainly not a reason to not use my AmigaOne for coding, which is my main use.


 Fact is there is nothing special about Timberwolf alpha worth praising, it merely aims to come close to what everyone only takes for granted in 2010, nothing more, nothing less.

Fact is that I don't take granted for anything on the OS4, knowing well how small is its userbase, so every new stuff that enables me to do stuff which was previously impossible on OS4 is worth praising. Unless you think that since my needs and views are too different from the mass I should not have the right to write how I appreciate every thing that I find to be useful.

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Re: How is OS4 ?
« Reply #17 on: June 17, 2010, 12:36:33 PM »

From runequester post:

Thanks for all the information.
I have no interest in Morph at this time though, so can we please return the conversation to OS 4 ?

AmigaOne XE - AmigaOS 4.1 - Freescale 7457 1GHz - 1GB ram
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Re: How is OS4 ?
« Reply #18 on: June 17, 2010, 01:03:54 PM »
Quote from: DAX;565108
It would seem it's hard to get...

What's worse is that, for some unknown reason, some people interpret that as "the OS4 crowd does not want to hear any negative opinion about their system", which is NOT the case here. Pro's and con's *must* be discussed about any system to get a balanced view on a platform, but the point is that OP isn't interested to hear them in *this* thread. And, in my opinion, generally if you want to make an overview about a system, you should describe both pro's and con's about it, not to carefully choose only the con's as Crumb did. Which, I repeat, does not mean that someone would not want to hear negative opinions.

AmigaOne XE - AmigaOS 4.1 - Freescale 7457 1GHz - 1GB ram
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Re: How is OS4 ?
« Reply #19 on: June 17, 2010, 02:39:07 PM »
Quote from: redrumloa;565131
You should use what you want to use and it should not be based on what some end user is posting in some open discussion forum. Every platform has it's rabid advocates. Would you not use any Apple products just because some Mac users are the some of the most rabid platform fans in the world?

People's behavior can change someone's mind.

AmigaOne XE - AmigaOS 4.1 - Freescale 7457 1GHz - 1GB ram
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Re: How is OS4 ?
« Reply #20 on: June 18, 2010, 08:47:40 AM »
Quote from: takemehomegrandma;565320
I'm glad that you got your answers from the on-topic posts! Mission accomplished! ;)

Now everyone can officially *quit* posting comments about the thread drifting off-topic! :)

I don't think it's up to you to decide a change in the topic of this thread.

AmigaOne XE - AmigaOS 4.1 - Freescale 7457 1GHz - 1GB ram
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Re: How is OS4 ?
« Reply #21 on: June 18, 2010, 09:48:28 AM »
Quote from: Crumb;565149
I would say that quick'n'dirty ports feel alien (like running X11 apps through cygwin on Windows), are more unstable that native ports, feel unfinished and integrate badly with the host OS (like Cygnix X11 stuff)

That's not a definition of a quick'n'dirty port. A quick and dirty port refers to a port done in a limited time, without a good quality check of the port and  leaving bugs mostly untouched. You cannot judge poor an X11 port, since by its nature it will feel alien compared to its host window manager. In this case the port has a good integration with Workbench within its limits, just check the work that has been done to get the gadget graphics as similar as possible with OS4's one. Regarding unstability I can only speak of my own experience, at least AbiWord and Gnumeric run pretty stable on my system. And still, being a port you can't really judge on stability, unless you pretend that a port in order to be a good one must have fixed all the stability bugs of the original code. And for the last part, what part of these ports make you feel them unfinished?


Do you really call "useable" and "polished" having to use windows keyboard shortcuts to select menu options because GUI doesn't respond to mouse events...

We talking here about how "useful" it can be, not about "useability" and "polishness". And yes, having to use keyboard to select menus doesn't make it less useful, since the plugin I'm using does the job well.


You should realise that most PPC software is just a collection of SDL/CLI unix ports that usually run better in posix platforms. In case port is not easy to do it's common practice to take MorphOS code: MPlayer, BasiliskII, Freespace2 and others...

I'm still interested to know how have you found the information that all the SDL ports have been made by just typing "make". The part that they usually run better on other platform is IMHO not true: it is true for those programs that require more CPU power than the available one on current OS4 machines. But at the moment I can't recall a single SDL application that runs sluggish on my system. There have been some ports that ran badly under OS4, but those ports AFAIK haven't been released. For the use of MOS code, I wouldn't call 3 uses out of some hundreds ports "common practice".


It's normal, just like if you ask me if Dunlop tires are good and I reply you that I prefer pirelli ones

No, for that I would have asked you "how are Dunlop tires compared to other ones", while in this case it's a case of "I want to try Dunlop tires, how are they?" OP has even explicitely stated that he's not interested in a MOS comparison.


Since Efikas are being sold new with its 2 years of warranty and Sam440 has just been produced in small batches and is not produced continuously (I doubt they produce any now that Sam460 is planned) they have the same status now: sold new with warranty but not produced actively.

Efikas will never be again produced. Sam440 are still produced (and that has been confirmed by ACube, even if the 460 will enter production). I see a difference here.


Price increase can not be justified because a machine produced for the same small market 5 years ago costed the same and it's named Pegasos2/G4. Both run OS4 and The old 5 years-old machine is faster. Quite sad if you ask me.

Have you thought about how's the PowerPC CPUs market today in respect to 5 years ago, and have you taken in account that the major CPU buyer that existed 5 years ago isn't anymore a buyer these days?


Sam's advantages are shaded by OS4 (lack of) features: USB works slower than Efika and 3D is probably slower too despiting higher clockrate. It has more ram and faster HD access but I'm not sure I want to pay 450Euros to get a system marginally better.

I guess that everyone have its own opinion whetever that is marginal or not.


Sam G2 cpu technology is obsolete and not many customers would expect having to pay 500Euros for it.

They are enough to justify the release of a new platform, though.


But MorphOS does and it runs classic software probably better than 533-600Mhz Sams.

But OP isn't interested on MOS.


I'm implying most of people paid large sums of money for A1 and specially Sam440 because it ran OS4, otherwise the hardware would have been rejected and they would have bought better hardware like Pegasos2 or Mac Mini.

They had their right to choose. At the time they had the choice to not buy A1 and OS4 if they felt that the hardware was too pricey.


hackish means using an embedded cpu and selling it in a desktop motherboard with limitations you would never expect in a motherbaord like having just ONE SATA that gets disabled if you fit a PCI-e card.

And I'll repeat my question: are PCI Express gfx cards incompatible with 4x lanes slots, and work only in 1x ones, to make you force to plug it in Sam460's 1x lanes slot?


All A1s are Teron prototypes hardly tested. Sams hardware looks better although it's obvious that it has not been tested as deeply as big companies like Apple test its hardware.

What has ACube to do with MAI? Regarding the tests, the question is if they have done enough tests for a releseable product, which neither you nor me can know. So you can't really say that SAMs are "prototypes" and "hardly tested".


Other betatesters and users who sold their (u)A1s to buy Peg2/G4 instead of Sam440 may not agree with you.

That still doesn't make your opinion as a general rule.


I guess it's the same people who's happy using alien x11 ports on their "Amigas"

And what's wrong with that?

AmigaOne XE - AmigaOS 4.1 - Freescale 7457 1GHz - 1GB ram
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Re: How is OS4 ?
« Reply #22 on: June 18, 2010, 09:54:21 AM »
Quote from: takemehomegrandma;565158
Hehe, that comment really made my day, thanks! :)

It's always the same though, as soon as OS4 advocates run out of rational pro-OS4 arguments compared to MorphOS (which happens rather instantly), they start whining and moaning about behavior and whatever and calls for censoring by moderators. It's seems to be the only way to sell OS4; to control and dictate the information flow by force. Quite sad if you ask me. There are already sites where only allow pro-OS4 talk, go there if you want to escape reality for a moment...

Have you actually read Dax' post? He was referring to my and Crumb's posts, not to his own ones!

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Re: How is OS4 ?
« Reply #23 on: June 27, 2010, 09:55:18 PM »
Quote from: Crumb;565361
The time invested depends on coder's skills and OS knowledge. e.g.: Itix could port software X in one week and it would take me two months to do the same. Despiting time factor the rest applies to x11 ports: no good quality checks, most of original bugs remain untouched (even new ones are added) and no use of host OS functions.

So, taking in account Edvard Schwan's skills, do you think that he has done the work too quickly?
And, are you saying that he has not done quality checks, or are you speaking in general of X11 ports on any platform?


we are not just talking about window managers, gaim would feel alien even if you used amiga window frames. Using an Amiga skin doesn't suddenly turn your x11 software into amiga software

We are talking about how good is the port of the X11 environment to OS4. The fact that X11 apps feel alien to the Amiga doesn't change in any way the quality of the port, because of the intrinsic limits of the X11 environment when running on a different platform. Within these limits, I said that the port is a good one, as the author has tried as much as possible to make the environment more Amiga-friendly, by using OS4's windows frames.


Then just use any random OS (e.g. Windows with WindowBlinds) with some Workbench skin and be happy. AtheOS had Amiga-like gadgets and there were some x11 window managers that mimicked WB but that won't turn gtk into mui.

Then we would be outside the scope of our discussion. We are talking about OS4 programs that MOS lacks.


"ls" also runs pretty stable on all amigas yet it doesn't feel native because it doesn't use amiga arguments.

If MOS lacked the ls command (and if it ls wasn't just a plain "dir" command :), it could have been a positive point of OS4 over MOS, regardless if it uses Amiga arguments or not.


I assume coder won't be silly and will avoid bleeding edge unstable versions. If code runs stable in other platform it should do so if the port is properly done.

For some applications there are no unstable versions, you have only one unstable version of the code, and this can happen especially with larger projects. You cannot also judge the quality of the original's author basing solely on how his code runs on the platform he works on. For example, you can write code with a low level of portability, or in a way that it is compilable only with a specific version tree of the compiler, or assuming that the primitive data types will have the same size on all the platforms, which is not true.



Then the port's author is not to blame.


Lynx is also perfectly "useful" too.

Yes, in some defined contexts it is, as is Timberwolf, also in some contexts.


SDL/X11 ports always run better in the original platform.

For example?


I disagree. And I think it's polite to reply you instead of ignoring you.

You can of course disagree on my first opinion. But do you also disagree on the fact that OP has
asked not to talk about MOS? His statement has even confirmed that my interpretation of his first post was correct.


BBRV always says that if you have an order for Genesi to build certain number of 512MB Efikas they will build them. Both products have warranty and Efikas can be built on demand I don't see much difference.

"To be built on demand" doesn't mean that something is available on the market. I don't think that a single customer can order the production of a single Efika, they have probably set a minimum number of orders, and payment of all the shipped motherboards.


 In addition to that I think there are more chances of ACube going broke than Directron

ACube isn't directly producing the motherboards.


I think ACube choosed wrong cpus, added unneeded stuff to motherboard like that fpga you can't program with freedom and added the mobility Radeon unneeded for embedded stuff. The choices they have made for 460 model look slightly better for embedded customers but are odd for desktop users.

We were comparing Pegasos2 with the 440, I think that all these factors you have mentioned don't fit with the discussion.


Most Amiga users I know were waiting some fast G4 machine many years ago. Now it's funny because Hyperion partners avoided the use of Altivec (with the honorable exception of A1-XE G4), something that pissed almost all users I know. The situation looked brighter when Moana appeared but unfortunately Hyperion management decided to recover developing costs selling us expensive hardware instead of trying to sell many OS4 units and leaving users the choice of using 2nd hand hardware like Mac Mini/Powerbook or new hardware (like Sam440 or whatever thing they wanted to build)

IMHO it was a good choice for Hyperion, making OS4 focus on its strenght. i.e. a few hardware supported with limited possibilities of problems derived by the use of hardware only partially-compatible with the available drivers.


Since some users are desperate to run OS4 they will buy almost everything you put on sale.

You cannot know if those users are the majority of the ones that have bought a Sam.


But mind you, if you could buy Moana and run it on a 2nd hand Mac Mini many users would have been able to try out OS4. Now the number of users spending more than 500 Euros to get a substandard board that runs slower than 5-year old boards are pretty slim compared to the number of users they would have got if they also had released Moana.

My point was that you can't say that OS4 hardware is more expensive than MOS' one. There's no new hardware produced for MOS, and Efikas can't be regarded as "in production", since AFAIK a single buyer can't request the production of a single board. If Moana was officially released then we could make a comparison between the hardware supported by both Moana and MOS. Since it wasn't, there are really no points in common.


Sure customers have right to choose, no one questions that. The problem is that customers who wanted to run OS4 had NO choice.

But that in my opinion didn't imply that most of the people bought A1s only because they were forced to do so in order to run OS4. I believe instead that most people know how to spend their money.


AGPx1 speed would be sad.

What has AGP to do with Sam 460?


both are OS4 hardware producers Hyperion forces us to buy hardware from if we have some interest in OS4.

But previously you were just talking about Sams being "prototypes" and "hardly tested". I hardly see how Sam's quality has anything to do with MAI's product.


But I can claim it hasn't gone through all the tests mainstream hardware goes through.

This provides 0 hints on how stable and tested are Sams.


Well, most (u)A1 users I knew sold them to buy Peg2/G4. Also the ones I don't know in person. Even one of the Friedens used Peg2 as main machine one year before OS4.1 Peg2 release because it was better hardware than MAI/ACube.

Actually your quote was that Peg2 are in general a better choice than Sams, and you mentioned that the reason was that you "prefer hardware well tested produced in hundreds of thousands of units, easy to replace, faster and cheaper." That can't still be a general rule, since other people may not care how many units of some hardware have been produced, while they might prefer to buy new hardware instead of old one, to lower the possibilities that the HW breaks down too early.

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Re: How is OS4 ?
« Reply #24 on: June 27, 2010, 09:58:01 PM »
Quote from: takemehomegrandma;565348
I have read them all, as well as those from those people crying "foul" when they simply don't like the arguments(!) presented. My reply was directed to them all, not one post in particular.
Then it seems that Dax' one is an exception to your rule.

Hehe, "Foul! Foul! Can't some referee do something? These kind of discussions shouldn't be allowed! Take away those arguments! Do something!"...
You have missed the meaning of both Karlos' and Xeron's posts. They have both invited the people in this thread to be more adult and reasonable in their posts, exactly the opposite of what you have interpreted. Other two exceptions to your rule.

« Last Edit: June 27, 2010, 10:06:19 PM by Varthall »
AmigaOne XE - AmigaOS 4.1 - Freescale 7457 1GHz - 1GB ram
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