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Author Topic: aros fork?  (Read 4903 times)


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Offline Einstein

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Re: aros fork?
« on: February 06, 2008, 01:21:38 PM »

Crumb wrote:

Quite frankly, if what you want is killing not just binary but also source code compatibility you'd better search a new OS because you are wasting time with AROS.

AROS does *not have* binary compaibility, but when it does (E-UAE) then that can be put on top of the new system, just like it could be put on top of any modern OS if you really wanted to. Please don't start with your usual "integrated (E-)UAE will suck because it's nothing like the emulation layers of MOS/OS4 etc etc", pesonally I don't need anything that integrated, besides I will not use any potential new OS on anything but x86 in the next decade, and if so it might not be big-endian anyway.

If you killed amiga source code compatibility it will be anything but amiga-like.

What is amiga like ? to me it is the GUI, the simplicity in the directory structure, the RAM: ENV: and ENVARC:, the preferences "use" vs "save" system (that relies on the previous two), etc, not because I'm nostalgic, well I am, to a *restricted* level, but because they are well enough done. if I cannot adapt to new (and better) API then I might as well throw myself into the trashcan ;)

I don't know why some people has some extrange fixation with the word "amiga" and they seem to want to see some kind of new OS as "amiga next gen os".

Actually in case Rob forks it, he will not include anything "amiga" in it's name, he made that clear. And btw, you contradict your self here, look below (look for "LOOK HERE").

Amiga API is outdated. Live with it.
I wont ;)

If you change the API it won't have anything in common with amiga, just like AmigaDE/Anywhere/Whatever hasn't anything in common with the old amigaos and won't attract my attention.

There's MOS, OS4, and AROS.. but wait, AROS is not "amiga" according to many amiga zealots anyway.

Just like OSX isn't macos and is just a different OS (based on unix) with a MacOS sandbox launcher.

Users don't care crap about the internals, programmers might, *intelligent* programmers will not.

If you want that you could use an amiga-like skin on WinXP/OSX/Linux/Zeta, run UAE and launch your adfs with a launcher and live happy calling it "next gen amiga".

I see, if one breaks backwards compatibilty at soure/binary level then it's "anything but amiga-like" (quoting you from above), yet, somehow magically, a different *premade* OS *is* !

If you were really interested in a next gen OS (inspired on AmigaOS just like BeOS) you would start from scratch, not building it over an old API that just will cause you problems.
Just like people don't build castles on marshes (with the exception of the monty phytons) you shouldn't build a "new OS" on top of an outdated API and OS.

That's the same reason Be Inc didn't build BeOS using CPM as a basis.

Rob made clear that amiga "inspired" is his goal (not to exclude inspiration/code from other OSs though), but if you happen to *know* that *nothing* in the old API *implementation* can be reused (simetimes with modification) than why don't you just point it to him with *detail*, you seem to care alot i mean.
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Re: aros fork?
« Reply #1 on: February 06, 2008, 01:23:58 PM »

Crumb wrote:

IMHO a fork is mandatory.

A new OS shouldn't have to deal with legacy problems caused by the old 3.x API.

IMHO there's no sense in calling the new effort AROS since it won't have anything related to the original effort. It won't be a v2.x version since it would be totally incompatible and probably won't reuse much code so it will be a total rewrite.

It would be in the same league as other kernels and OSes and probably could take advantage of code written for POSIX platforms.

Being "POSIX" compatible would be a good goal.

This sounded more sensible, gotta say your previous post left me  :crazy:
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Re: aros fork?
« Reply #2 on: February 06, 2008, 06:04:04 PM »

itix wrote:

but when it does (E-UAE) then that can be put on top of the new system

That is not different from EUAE on Linux or WinUAE on Windows.

Can you open WinUAE/AmigaOS windows as host (Windows) windows ? screens ? not even these ? how does it compare then ?

Even more so if you break API compatibility you can not integrate UAE into OS more than you could integrate UAE into Windows.

Depends what your definition of "integration" is, for me it's files, windows, screens. So, why could this not be on top of an API incompatible OS ? files are already integrated in WinUAE at least, sure it would be more code invloved than on a API compliant or -like system, but nevertheless, what would be the obstacle ?


I see, if one breaks backwards compatibilty at soure/binary level then it's "anything but amiga-like" (quoting you from above), yet, somehow magically, a different *premade* OS *is* !

If somebody wrote Windows clone which is not binary or source compatible with Windows, is it Windows at all? ;-)

If you had a blind cousin and if he got his vision back but suddennly and unfortunately became deaf would you not still regard him your cousin ? you see, you would (learn to) communicate differently with him now, in an "incompatible" way.
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Re: aros fork?
« Reply #3 on: February 06, 2008, 11:33:10 PM »

itix wrote:

Can you open WinUAE/AmigaOS windows as host (Windows) windows ? screens ? not even these ? how does it compare then ?

I dont know. But AROS2 with EUAE integration can not, because none of those two yet exist.

That's not an answer to my question.

So, what is actually this EUAE integration? If one can integrate EUAE into AROS2 which is neither API or source compatible, why one can not integrate EUAE into Linux in the same fashion?

What is so special in EUAE integration that it could not be done in other systems? And how one can guarantee it works in the system which does not yet exist.

I already wrote it *could*, but you should have read my comments above perhaps ?

Guarantee ? I guess we'll have to see.


If you had a blind cousin and if he got his vision back but suddennly and unfortunately became deaf would you not still regard him your cousin ? you see, you would (learn to) communicate differently with him now, in an "incompatible" way.

It is more like that blind cousin would be both blind and deaf.

Should I interpret that "AROS 2" would not have an API, no communication with anything, at all ?  :-?

There is nothing wrong in AROS2 idea and it is very good one. I just hope Amiga (community) does not ruin it. AROS is  already sidetracked to PPC and UAE integration ideas.

PPC I have nothing to say about. E-UAE integration however, I don't understand, explain ?

Ok you refer to 68k binary compatible OS replacement.

Welcome to the ship, AROS. Together we stand, and together we sink.

*Others* may comment on that :)
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Re: aros fork?
« Reply #4 on: February 07, 2008, 12:26:16 AM »

HenryCase wrote:

I'll explain how if you're interested. Find me more 'sacred cows'! :-D

I don't know about sacred cows, but there's a "sacred" bacon hiding somewhere around here, you've encountered it :-D
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Re: aros fork?
« Reply #5 on: February 07, 2008, 04:00:45 PM »

Crumb wrote:

AROS does *not have* binary compaibility

AROS m68k should have it.

Does it even exist ?

but when it does (E-UAE)

...or when it does (AROS m68k) :-)

..or when it does (IEUAE/AROS 68k) ;-)

Imagine that I drag an Icon from the host OS desktop to an opus5 window... will it copy the file? I doubt it :-)

Good question, I'm not exactly fluent in workbench.library (or many other system libraries for that matter) but is there any obstacle ? any problems routing (and converting) between "objects" of the host and emulated desktop systems ? there shouldn't be, unless some endian-ness gets in the way.

BTW, have you actually tried OS4/MOS at all? Have you tried "GLUAE"? It's more or less the same kind of launcher the bounty wants to achieve but without the layers patch to show windows with other background.

That's just it, isn't it ?

BTW, a patch exist for EUAE to show the windows on top of Linux ones. Unfortunately it's not very advanced and shows all the windows in the same "layer" so host OS windows can't be between emulated WB windows.

I know, I pointed that out in the news announcement of the assigned bounty ;-)

Now let's suppose EUAE integration gets finished and you decide to use something called AROS2. First of all... why not use a Linux kernel or any other kernel like NewOS? Then you get posix compatibility. But automatically all AROS/AmigaOS devices/libraries become incompatible. Who cares anyway since Linux&GNU already has all the drivers we could want, these are actively developed and it also has tons of interesting libraries?

It would be more motivating for some reason (pride ?) having an "own" kernel, but I won't complain if the dev(s) would adopt a premade one.
As for the rest, actually i don't have some mysterious affection for everything AmigaOS, my ideal OS would be something new, inspired by the simplicity and (the once unique) modularity of AmigaOS, but really revised, I' like a new API that's crafted based on high flexibility and simplicity, that is, the API would not dictate certain things it really should not do, not in 2008+, I already explained what type of filesystem layer I would like to have in robs blog, that was just an example.

You could modify it to get a directory structure similar to AmigaOS, to boot reading an Startup-sequence file, to store commands on /c instead of /bin you could add amiga style path support, you could add a WB like desktop that avoids using XWindows (or maybe not, maybe you want to run all the GUI on top of XWindows).

I know that.

Since we agree amiga apps are old and modern linux apps are more useful and interesting there's no sense in keeping graphics.library. We could switch to Cairo for every graphic operation (switching to Cairo would make sense even on current AROS... intuition/graphics could run on top of it). AHI is also outdated, we could use OpenAL instead of it.
See... amiga stuff and API is outdated... there's little you would reuse on a modern OS.

But that's not up to me :-), besides I already stated *my* perception of amiga-like-ness, so I have no problems adapting to better API, but if some of it could be unique, designed from scratch then why not ?

If I started an amiga inspired OS (note I say amiga inspired and not amiga-like) I would choose a kernel like linux or NewOS and try to adapt existing software to run in a similar way as AmigaOS.

If I did start an OS (hehe), I would not put together premade kernel and modules, but write from scratch, implement new ideas not seen before, I would do that for fun, and to point out to the OS world: look at the power and flexibility of this baby of mine, and I did it all alone! now wouldn't that make the OS more attracting and appealing then just putting premade components together ? But as I said, I personally won't object.

Changing the kernel to keep a directory structure similar to AmigaOS wouldn't be difficult.

My personal perception of amiga "inspired" is not to clone things i regard "amiga like", but to take inspiration by the positive aspects, but most importantly to evolve it to a level that would make a regular user just adore it.

The problem reusing current AROS stuff is that it wouldn't have an easy way to communicate with the new OS. There's no much difference between standard OS libraries/components/devices and third party ones (the exception may be exec/dos/graphics/intuition/layes). That would cause that current AROS sources would be hard to adapt.

Remains to be seen what comes out of it.

When I say Amiga-like I mean OSes that work the same way as AmigaOS. Just like when I say Unix-like I expect the OS to include a set of posix functions, to have similar commands and I expect to code all unix-like OSes in more or less the same way. I'm not refering just to the end-user view.

I understand that, we have different views obviously.

What I'm trying to say is that if you get rid of the amiga/aros API why call your fork amiga or aros? Or why show it as successor of amiga/aros if it's not related to it (just using a similar GUI in the first versions?). GEM and MacOS looked and were used in a similar way but they were not related.

I explained that with the blind cousin analogy above. Anyway, since rob called the possible project "not-AROS" I think that answers your question.

IMHO Rob should fork. But there's little stuff that can be reused. I gave him some suggestion: design a new API and provide a library to be used on new Aros programs written for current AROS. Advice coders to stop using amigaos functions and provide them your functions. It's similar as if we were leaving amigaos and jumping to unix, you would advice coders to start using GeekGadgets. Just like that, he would define functions to do message-passing and other amiga-API stuff and AROS coders could start to migrate their code. Once most of apps and maybe libraries were adapted he would at least have something from AROS to use. Anyway since most of AROS stuff is based on old stuff and old APIs you could perfectly start from scratch changing the intuition/graphics calls by Cairo calls and stuff like that.

Not much to disagree with, only that it would be much (much) nicer with a unique overall design and API.

In conclusion: Fork AROS? Of course, but since everyone agrees that AmigaOS3.1 API is old and outdated why base your new OS on that?

If you've sent him a message I'm sure he got it ;-)


There's MOS, OS4, and AROS.. but wait, AROS is not "amiga" according to many amiga zealots anyway.

For me AROS/OS4/OS3/MOS are "amiga" :-) I may like some solutions more than the others but I like them all.

I was referring to the infamous *zealots* that rather throw themself to the trashcan than thinking with the substans between the ears, it's supposed to be used for somthing beyond eating/s????ing/sleeping and mating.

Users don't care crap about the internals, programmers might, *intelligent* programmers will not.

Intelligent programmers that want to write an OS without the limitations of OS3.1 won't base his code on OS3.1 compatible code.

Copying the source tree for reuse/modification/guidance of API implementaion algorithms is not necessarily *basing* in my book.

Users don't care about internals and that's the reason they shouldn't discuss internals of OSes.

Hence no reason to regard a new OS as *no* "amiga" or whatever, as long as it *feels* like it, and runs apps in an emulation layer with a few resources integrated in the host system.


if one breaks backwards compatibilty at soure/binary level then it's "anything but amiga-like"

You are right. Other things may look similar or use a similar GUI, but wouldn't be amiga-like. Just like running Amiga-E and a Zune clone on Linux won't make your linux box amiga-like, even if you have put a nice wb-like and even if you rename your /bin as /c and even if you create aliases so you can type "dir" instead of "ls". That's merely cosmetical.

That's *your* perception of amiga-like, mine is a different one, there's no monopoly for the generic word "like" I' afraid, if you don't like it maybe you should seek a better and more descriptive word.

if you happen to *know* that *nothing* in the old API *implementation* can be reused (simetimes with modification) than why don't you just point it to him with *detail*, you seem to care alot i mean

Detailed suggestion:
-take linux/bsd/newos kernel and modify it if you need it
-use as much standard stuff as you can and avoid using OS3.1 code (that means avoid using AROS code)

I asked you to post *detailed* information to *him* that may fork or not fork (=leave)

-change the OS to use a similar structure to amigaos

Anyway, what structure ?

-put EUAE and add a launcher for ADF files (most of people who don't care about OS4/MOS-like emulation integration only remembers playing games on A500 in their childhood and haven't touched an amiga for years so they won't miss any program)

for the 666 time, EUAE does n-o-t, *not*, *NOT*, integrate essential "emulated" resources (windows, screens, some device messages) into the host system, are you and itix still going to claim that an upcoming *integrating*/whatever EUAE is *no different* to standard #?UAE ?
I have spoken !

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Re: aros fork?
« Reply #6 on: February 07, 2008, 04:48:54 PM »

Piru wrote:
Where is this "integrated EUAE" then?

This is the wrong place to ask the bounty assignee.
It might be taking a nap however.

It's trivial to make UAE launch a game or even binary file when you doubleclick it. It is far from trivial to integrate it to the host system.

Know that already, thanks for the info however.

I'm afraid it won't be as seamless as some of you might hope.

Read the thread, and ask about "seamless" later, or rather, don't.

IMO it's quite silly to use something that doesn't even exist yet as debate point.

It's a free world, well, not really :-( but it's a free forum..i hope.
I have spoken !