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Author Topic: Two Teensie Suggestions for this Site  (Read 1973 times)


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Re: Two Teensie Suggestions for this Site
« on: September 02, 2012, 02:38:16 AM »
Quote from: robertcr5;706179
Hi.  I am a new member to this site but have been an Amigan for a long time. :)  I have a suggestion about the challenge questions that must be answered before a person can beome registered here.  The questions I was asked, all require knowledge of obscure Amiga history.  It seems to me that this makes it very difficult for a person new to the Amigaverse to register (Sorry Fleecy, but your name is not exactly a household word).  Does this not keep the kind of people the Amiga community is trying to recruit, from activly participating?

Also, I live on the east coast of the US.  The timezone here is often written as "GMT -5".  At the top of this page it gives the site timezone as "GMT -6". Yet, the time shown is 2 hours earlier than here.  Shouldn't that be "GMT -7" instead?

All in all, this is a truely awsome and bodaciouly excellent site.  Really- the only one I go to for Amiga news.

Just my 2 pfennings worth.

Thank you for all that you do for the community.



Welcome to the community of loonies.


Challenge question!!!

Heck this must really be turning into a Mac site, only a Mac head would think of something like that.

Anyhow if you have any hard questions about the Amiga,

A man wearing a hardhat has the answers, but you have to remember not only does he have a hard hat, but he also has a hard head, but he really is a real nice person.

Well enjoy the looney bin. Just remember a lot of these guys are so old that the bit bucket they use has some holes in it.

I have no idea what your talking about, so here is a doggy with a small pancake on his head.

MorphOS is a MAC done a little better