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Author Topic: Worst game in Amiga history?  (Read 7574 times)


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Offline Ilwrath

Re: Worst game in Amiga history?
« on: September 14, 2009, 01:51:10 PM »
I still say Dangerous Streets has to be in the top (bottom) 10 of all time.  It was exactly like Street Fighter, except for the crappy characters, molasses controls, poor balancing, terrible design, random button mashing... Ok, it was nothing like Street Fighter, except for the word 'Street' being in the title.  It must have taken a management team for that game to have ended up bundled with some A1200's.  I can picture it now....

Manager 1: "We need something to package with the new A1200."
Manager 2: "Hey, my kids tell me that Street Fighter thing is still kinda popular."
Manager 3: "Yeah, but we can't afford to port Street Fighter."
Manager 4: "We can get a good deal on stacks of this 'Dangerous Streets' game that the publisher can't even give away.  Who can tell the difference, anyhow?"
All: "Perfect!  Time to vote ourselves bonuses to our offshore bank accounts!"