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Author Topic: Emulators better than the real thing?  (Read 5367 times)


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Offline Ilwrath

Re: Emulators better than the real thing?
« on: August 06, 2007, 08:15:45 PM »
Pretty much, what I still use the Amiga for is retro gaming.  And for that, I still take the real Amiga.  

As stated before, though, forget about the floppies except for the few games left that don't have WHDLoads.  

But I think the Amiga delivers a few things the emulations miss.

1) Sound/Video/Scroll sync.  On WinUAE, the timings aren't as good, and weird little scroll glitches still creep in.  Sound doesn't always properly sync.

2) Input lag.  I'm not sure if it's also related to (1) but joysticks seem slightly lagged to what the game is doing.  Possibly the video double-buffering?

3) Joysticks.  For all their faults, I prefer to play the games on the joysticks of the time.  I haven't found a  solution to use the 9-pin style sticks in a PC that doesn't introduce even more lag than using a PC stick. (Which is already lagged - See #2)  Also, nothing seems to emulate an Analog Amiga stick for the few games that support those.

4) Mouse - The Amiga had a few great games that were two player/two mouse.  I never did quite figure out how to do that on an emulation.

My 1200/030 stocked with a wide selection of WHDLoads isn't leaving my possession anytime too soon.  :-)