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Author Topic: AmigaOS 68k development - components, critics, bugs, work-arounds, tips&tricks  (Read 56187 times)


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Offline Louis Dias

The CD32 can boot from CDROM...

Long live the CD32's extended ROM!

Offline Louis Dias

Most of 3.5 and 3.9 was re-licensed by Cloanto along with some *new* development that 3.1.4 claims is new but wasn't (large disk support) ... Hence Cloanto's OS is called 3.X aka 3.10 as in 10 > 9 as in OS X as in how Microsoft skipped Windows 9 and now the only version of windows they support is 10 aka X.

But I digress...

So - no!  3.5 and 3.9 is not lost thanks to 3.X from Cloanto.  I don't know why this is not known by the sheep...I mean masses...

« Last Edit: January 17, 2020, 02:44:53 PM by Louis Dias »

Offline Louis Dias

Maybe my memory is bad but I thought FFS could have 255 length filenames...

Offline Louis Dias

@ multiple screens...

Wouldn't it be nice if you could have an nice touchscreen menu on one screen and then the main app/game screen on the high-powered card?
Oh damn I think I just invented the Wii U...