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Author Topic: PS3 - X-Box 360 - Nintendo Revolution  (Read 10780 times)


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Offline Louis Dias

Re: PS3 - X-Box 360 - Nintendo Revolution
« on: May 18, 2005, 03:12:33 AM »
Revolution is backwards compatible with Gamecube and every Nintendo game ever made from NES, Arcade and all the way to N64 will be downloadable into Revolution for free over the internet.

How's that for backwards compatability? :-D

related link:

Hmmm...Revolution looks like it may fit into a car stereo slot...talk about mobile gaming...

That small attachment they mention to play DVD movies is a screen...  Maybe they are after the 'PSP portable media market' all in one punch.

Offline Louis Dias

Re: PS3 - X-Box 360 - Nintendo Revolution
« Reply #1 on: May 18, 2005, 11:20:27 PM »

neofree wrote:
Oh and how do you figure a GC is superior?  The PS2 has a higher graphics capabilities and can use DVD format.

Huh?  The GC's graphics capability completely outclass the PS2.  Also, you can buy the Panasonic Q instead of the Nintendo Gamecube to play DVDs and GC games.  Playing DVD's is not a major technological feat.

Offline Louis Dias

Re: PS3 - X-Box 360 - Nintendo Revolution
« Reply #2 on: May 18, 2005, 11:38:07 PM »

amigamad wrote:
All the new systems look good but i bet not many people buy the nintendo there consoles always seem way to underpowered to compete.

SNES>SeGA Genesis/Masterdrive
NES>Atari 7800

PS3>Revolution>Xbox 360

Offline Louis Dias

Re: PS3 - X-Box 360 - Nintendo Revolution
« Reply #3 on: May 26, 2005, 12:46:20 AM »

Holley wrote:
Where's all this revolutionary AI we hear so much about?

This is where Halo 2 shines, my son and I have played the whole thing through about 6 times (about 10 hours to complete once if you don't rush).  

Depending on how you behave there's a series of different behaviour you get from the enemies and your own troops - the differences between the difficulty settings are just increasing enemy intelligence, and at the higher levels the buggers lure you into traps, hide in the shadows if they see / hear you coming etc.

I'm still not bored with it ...

Anyway, there's lots of games that are bodges, too short, lack vision etc.  The classics are the ones where each time you play something different happens, and you notice new things :-)

Resident Evil 4 has some neat AI on the GC.  Those buggers dodge out of your gun's line of sight.

Offline Louis Dias

Re: PS3 - X-Box 360 - Nintendo Revolution
« Reply #4 on: September 09, 2005, 05:22:49 PM »
RE4 was phenominal!

The ps2 version is only going to run in 320x400 I think.  So they make up for it by adding more uniforms and weapons and expanded the Ada Wong missions...big deal.

I can't wait to see a comparison review as each game was optimized for it's system but the PS2 version benefits from coming out later with a bit more mostly useless content.

Offline Louis Dias

Re: PS3 - X-Box 360 - Nintendo Revolution
« Reply #5 on: October 17, 2005, 12:37:01 PM »
Well, since Microsoft is bringing XBOX Live to the PC, I still don't see a reason to get a Sony or Microsoft 'console'.

As far as exclusives go...what few games are worth a $400 console?  The Final Fantasy series no longer seems to be a Sony exclusive.  GTA3 - never exclusive.  Just a few Sony titles really and Gods of War is the only memorable one.  Maybe Metal Gear Solid series from Konami.  In the future...and present actually, you see alot of concurrent releases of PS2 and PC even if they won't release an XBOX version.

Same can be said of XBOX except worse, the PC versions of the FPS games are just better.  None of the RPGs on the XBOX have lived up to expectations.  All it has is more power than the other consoles to throw at a car simulators like Forza....and games like that are still better on the PC.

I already have a 3200 AMD with 1GB of 400MHz DDR RAM and a 250GB HD with a RADEON 8500 w/128MB AGP card.

I'll get a Revolution for the real exclusive games and spend less money and have a new and unique way to play new games that won't be possible on the other consoles...and when the next Grand Theft Auto (or whatever is hot) game comes out, I can always get the superior PC version.

...besides, consoles don't have World Of Warcraft...

it's funny, I was poking around my PC this weekend and found that I still had Unreal Gold installed...so I played it.  Haven't done so in over 3 years.  Wow.  On this newer more powerful PC that what I had 3-4 years ago (900MHz AMD) the textures just blow you away at 1280x1024 with a ridiculouly high framerate and 32bit color.  That's the other PC 'side-effect'.  You upgrade your PC, you've upgraded your games at the same time.

Offline Louis Dias

Re: PS3 - X-Box 360 - Nintendo Revolution
« Reply #6 on: October 17, 2005, 05:10:08 PM »

Psy wrote:

stefcep wrote:
Console games are overpriced ( some say they are overpriced because of piracy, and others will say pircay exists because they are overpriced) and so people will always want to mod the machines to play "back ups".  The easier it is to do this the more popular the system.

You have to take into account the systems are sold at a loss and Nintendo, Sony and Microsoft makes up for this by taxing games for their systems.  This tax not only pays for selling the hardware at a loss but advertising their hardware.

Next like the movie industry the thinking is bigger is better thus larger devlopment costs leading to more loss when a game doesn't do well in the market.  On a sidenote this also means there is a risk of of devlopment costs spiraling out of control causing another crash in the video game industry.

That was true except for the Gamecube.  It was always a profitable machine as will Revolution be.

Offline Louis Dias

Re: PS3 - X-Box 360 - Nintendo Revolution
« Reply #7 on: October 17, 2005, 10:39:11 PM »

adolescent wrote:

lou_dias wrote:

That was true except for the Gamecube.  It was always a profitable machine as will Revolution be.

Not true.  Due to poor sales, production cost went up early on in the GCNs lifecycle.  Couple that with price cuts to stay competitive and it's been losing Nintendo a ton of money.   At ~$150 they were breaking even, at $100 they are losing money.  Now at $100 with a pack-in and (new release) first party title they are losing even more.

You have no idea what you are talking about.
Once they removed the DV out (after already removing Serial Port 1) the console was right around the $100 mark.  And that was 2 years ago.  It's a well known fact that the GC has been profitable for Nintendo.  Otherwise why would they blame lower profits directly on lower Gamecube CONSOLE sales?

Oh and the key word there is PROFITS.


Offline Louis Dias

Re: PS3 - X-Box 360 - Nintendo Revolution
« Reply #8 on: October 18, 2005, 04:40:41 AM »

koaftder wrote:
Please provide links to these "well known facts". The links you posted in no way show the Gamecube is profitable at any price point.

Whats the point? At least half of what this guy says is blatently wrong anyway.

2 arses.

I'll have you know I co-admin a not so popular DS gaming site and have access to newswires that general shmoes like you 2 don't.  Most of what you see on websites actually comes from only a few major newswires.  GamesPress being one of them.

I've been keeping up with the gaming industry on a daily basis since December in an attempt to draw hits to my website.  I did post some links about the DS here back in December.  But stopped 'advertising' right after that.

So it's been my job through about April or May when the lack of users no longer justified the effort.  However, I still keep up with everything - DAILY - as a personal hobby of mine.

Any monkey knows that the GC has always been sold for profit.  Even the slimline PS2 is profitable at $150US.  It's only MS that made a rookie mistake and didn't own their own designs in order to find low cost manufacturers.  A problem they fixed with the 360.

Instead why don't one of you 2 ass-clowns quote me some websites where it says Nintendo takes a loss on every GC sold.  I'll see you in Timbuck 2 when you find one.

Oh and here's an article, just like the one from this quarter, once again stating that Nintendo PROFITS were hurt by poor Gamecube HARDWARE AND SOFTWARE sales from March of 2003.  http://www.gamesindustry.biz/news.php?aid=1689

These quarterly earnings company statement are a matter of public record and break down where a company's profits and losses come from.  They are available on Nintendo's corporate (vs. consumer) website.  It is what investors look at to determine whether or not to invest in a company.  Now you are going to tell me they could be lying to their shareholders and potential investors...and when MS posts a 171 million dollar loss in a quarter in the gaming sector due to losses it takes selling XBOX's that they could be lying too, right?

Ignorance is bliss.  As is trolldum.

Offline Louis Dias

Re: PS3 - X-Box 360 - Nintendo Revolution
« Reply #9 on: October 18, 2005, 03:25:10 PM »
Oh and Nintendo learns it's lessons well:


free access to online play for the DS and Revolution.  Have fun paying for XBOX Live.

Offline Louis Dias

Re: PS3 - X-Box 360 - Nintendo Revolution
« Reply #10 on: October 18, 2005, 06:55:47 PM »
Troll, your article is from January of 2002.  It states that it was profitable then wasn't then would be again and since then Nintendo has removed the DV out connector and the Serial Port 1 and redesigned the board and are on Rev C now.  Look in there quartely earnings reports for the past 3 years...not to mention the production outsourcing...

I have a Rev A GC with both serial ports and the DV out connector for which I bought the component adapter cables and play most of my games in progressive scan mode on my 50" DLP HDTV.

For Rev B. they removed Serial Port 1 as they planned no products for it's use, it was probably for debug output anyway.

My modded 'Cube purchased in August of THIS year is the Rev C. board and doesn't have the DV-out circuitry or connector and the same goes for Serial Port 1.  Serial Port 2 is still there for the Broadband or Modem adaper.  As is the HIGH SPEED parrallel port for the GBA player.

Sony has done similar cost-cutting measures with the PS2 over the years.

Offline Louis Dias

Re: PS3 - X-Box 360 - Nintendo Revolution
« Reply #11 on: October 18, 2005, 09:32:57 PM »

adolescent wrote:

Provide proof then.  You haven't shown a piece of evidence to support your claims.  (Your word alone is definately not credible.)

why don't you read their quarterly earnings report or annual ones?

what do you want me to do hand you it?
do you want me to take pics of both of my gamecubes to show you the missing connections?

What makes your word the Holy Grail?

Offline Louis Dias

Re: PS3 - X-Box 360 - Nintendo Revolution
« Reply #12 on: October 18, 2005, 09:35:47 PM »

adolescent wrote:

lou_dias wrote:
Oh and Nintendo learns it's lessons well:


free access to online play for the DS and Revolution.  Have fun paying for XBOX Live.

This is great news for DS owners (and McDonalds fans I guess) left out in the cold by Nintendo's decision to use a proprietary wireless protocol.  It's good that Nintendo is begining to open their eyes to the possibilities of online play.  

As for Xbox live, it's quite a different atmosphere.  There are thousands of players online at a time, playing the hundreds of online games available, from all areas of the world.  Only time will tell if the DS wireless will take off like that.

Only the 'LAN' play is proprietary and it's been cracked already anyway.  As far as Wi-Fi internet connectivity goes, that's standard but nothing was written to take advantage of it yet.

Also, it's neat what they are doing with multi-player matches and friend lists.   To add someone to your "buddy" list, you have to get there MAC-like address and go to Nintendo's site, log in and add them to your list...  Or you can choose to play random people of the same skill level determined by your performance in the offline game and multi-player matches.

As Nintendo has stated, 1st party Nintendo Revolution games will not pay any fees to play online as well...  Also, DS owners can connect to Revolution systems as a gateway as well.  So it seems they are 100% behind this...

...now if only they'd confirm HD video support, that would be everything... see I don't think they are perfect...

Offline Louis Dias

Re: PS3 - X-Box 360 - Nintendo Revolution
« Reply #13 on: October 18, 2005, 11:15:47 PM »
From Nintendo's latest quarterly report page 1:
During the three months ended June 30, 2005, two key Nintendo DS titles in the electronic entertainment products division,
"Nintendogs" and "Noh o Kitaeru Otona no DS Training (DS Training for Adults: Work Your Brain)", were launched in Japan and
gained wide popularity. Both provide a new game play experience unlike any previous or existing video game. Nintendo DS hardware
sales in Japan were driven by these strong titles and by reaching broader demographics including new comers such as women and
seniors. As for overseas markets, Game Boy Advance SP hardware continued to sell steadily and the software title "Pokémon Emerald",
which is a new version of "Pokémon Ruby/Sapphire", was launched in the United States. Combined sales of "Pokémon Emerald" in
Japan and the United States exceeded 1.2 million units during the current first quarter alone.
As for console-type game products, unit sales of both hardware and software declined compared to last year's first quarter.
As a result, net sales decreased by 11.4 billion yen compared to last year's first quarter, to 70.6 billion yen.
Operating income was 3.7 billion yen due to factors such as a higher mix of the less profitable hardware sales, driven by the launch of
Nintendo DS at the end of last calendar year, and an increase in research and development costs in comparison with last year's first

Now here they are claiming there PROFITS (not losses) are down because console sales are down and the release of 'less profitable' hardware - the Nintendo DS.   Less profitable means it still makes a profit as does their other harware sales.


But I'm sure you're so-called 'reputable information' is better than Nintendo's own quarterly report.

Offline Louis Dias

Re: PS3 - X-Box 360 - Nintendo Revolution
« Reply #14 on: October 19, 2005, 01:42:13 AM »