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Author Topic: potential PPC Amiga REAL CHEAP  (Read 66480 times)


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Offline Louis DiasTopic starter

Re: Time to celebrate!
« Reply #284 from previous page: February 16, 2006, 11:22:35 PM »

Tripitaka wrote:
Tell me it runs on Fuel Cells and I'll be happy.  :lol:
Tell me you've got OS4 running on that damn Cube and I'll be happier still. :roflmao:

Coincidentally, the failed GM EV1 car was prototyped on a Fiero chasis and eventually developed on an all-aluminum version of the Fiero chasis...

There are actually atleast several fuel-cell-powered Fieros on the road.


We'd all be happier if OS4 was running on the GC...because then anyone could actually get their hands on the hardware...  The GC is certainly not VAPORWARE!  :)

Offline Louis DiasTopic starter


Offline Louis DiasTopic starter

Re: Time to celebrate!
« Reply #286 on: February 17, 2006, 03:48:31 AM »
I'm sticking with the gas powered ones:


Offline Louis DiasTopic starter

Re: Time to celebrate!
« Reply #287 on: February 17, 2006, 11:37:20 AM »

adolescent wrote:


learn how to spell first then go re-read my edited message

Offline Louis DiasTopic starter

Re: Time to celebrate!
« Reply #288 on: February 17, 2006, 05:52:42 PM »
I see you still haven't learned how to spell.

Those electric use different mechanisms...
So define what "fuel" cell you are referring to?

But who gives a hoot anyway?  I'll never convert to electric until they can produce a generator that can produces enough power to rival the power:weight ratios of gas powered cars.

Offline Louis DiasTopic starter

Re: Time to celebrate!
« Reply #289 on: February 17, 2006, 09:10:22 PM »

koaftder wrote:


A box that produces more electricity than it consumes...I'll bet you poop more than you eat too.

Offline Louis DiasTopic starter

Re: Time to celebrate!
« Reply #290 on: February 17, 2006, 10:49:33 PM »

koaftder wrote:

Oh well, i was hoping you'd buy into it... After all the fiero sucks ass, i mean, it's like 2006 now, get with the times. the fiero is ugly and the engine is midway. My opinion is golden and all qutomobile owners should agree with me.

Hey, while you're at it, ditch that archaic Amiga computer.  Shouldn't everybody.  I think all computer owners would agree.


Like I said, upgrading cars is more rewarding than upgrading to a cpu with twice the clockspeed but only yeilds a 25% increase in actual computing power.

Interestly enough, most cars are considered mid-engine.  This is because most of the engine sits either behind the front axle or in the Fiero's case infront of the rear axle.  It's not "midway" as you put it.  Also beauty is in the eye of the beholder.  I could just as easily say whatever you drive is ugly and I believe by my standards it would be.

Get with the times?  So all classic and antique car owners should just drop their cars off at the boneyard, eh?  The only difference here is I don't feel the need to keep my car factory original.  The Fiero chasis is an excellent platform in more ways than you know, I am merely enhancing everything else about it.

And if you honestly believe these cars are ugly, get your eyes checked: http://www.fiero.nl/forum/Forum1/HTML/027741-6.html

Offline Louis DiasTopic starter

Re: Time to celebrate!
« Reply #291 on: February 19, 2006, 01:59:31 AM »
It happened when I mentioned that I wanted to mount a GC running hopefully AROS in my Fiero.

anything this guy can do I can do better: http://www.fiero.nl/forum/Forum1/HTML/057546.html

Offline Louis DiasTopic starter

Re: Time to celebrate!
« Reply #292 on: February 19, 2006, 08:46:52 PM »
I actually did some consulting work for Factory Five Racing and my brother used to work in the shipping department there... https://www.factoryfive.com

but I prefer these: http://www.ifgonline.com/
the tubular suspension is the one I'm adding to my car...

Offline Louis DiasTopic starter

Re: Time to celebrate!
« Reply #293 on: February 20, 2006, 02:59:24 AM »
And what am I a fanboy of?  Factory Five makes Mustang-based Shelby Cobra kits.  I don't care for Mustangs or Cobras.  Some nice people do work their and they do make quality products so I can't knock that.

Their latest supercar involves a custom chasis with a rear-mounted Corvette motor.  Looks great but still not for me.  I prefer cars over racing machines.  Cars are made to be driven and enjoyed every day.

Offline Louis DiasTopic starter

Re: Time to celebrate!
« Reply #294 on: February 20, 2006, 05:40:17 PM »

coldfish wrote:
This thread is a farce.

Blame the haters.

Offline Louis DiasTopic starter

Re: Time to celebrate!
« Reply #295 on: February 20, 2006, 05:53:14 PM »

koaftder wrote:

Phweeww, at least it's not catch on fire cheap ass made from chevette parts fireos.

With comments like that you would also qualify as a troll on the Fiero boards.  All 2.5L engines GM made in 1984 had a defect because the 1 out of every 5 rods supplied to make the motors was defective from the manufacturer.  Due to what was then called "cramped engine quarters" (spacey by today's standards) when the rod would let go, oil would hit the shielding material and a total of 637 out of 210000 Fieros caught fire between '84 and '85.  The show 20/20 did a special on this and the Fiero got labelled as a potential fire-death trap.

Amazingly over 1 MILLION (count as of 2003) Ford Taurus's (the problem covers many Ford vehicles) have caught fire since 1988 but the car doesn't carry the label.  The difference is Ford still denies the ignition switch issue while GM recalled EVERY Fiero and fixed it for FREE.  So no, Fieros don't catch fires, Fords do.

As for the Chevette comment, it had a similar front suspension design to the Chevette but not the same parts.  In '88 they changed the design completely.  Coincidentally, the Fiero GT and Firebird share some parts but I don't go around saying that my car is part Firebird.  It's common for all car manufacturers to interchange parts between car lines.  What's your point?

Thats why on one of thoes links you posted, you tout how youve gotten an extra measly 10hp from messing around with your own exhaust crap? Please, this reads like your other arguments in this thread.

Dude, please post pix of your car and crap, so i can say nice job instead of yeah right. I used to turn wrenches for a living, and god help me i hope i never have to get into that business again, but i can see how it can be fun for guys as a hobby.

First, I posted a link to my website and it contains pics of 2 of my 4 Fieros.  I can email you pics of the last 2 that got totalled (1 racing at Seekonk and another because I let some idiot drive it).  I traded in my first to get my second so I don't have any pics of that.  And I still haven't seen my 4th because I bought it from Alabama over the phone from a reputable place I've done business with before.  It's now in Illinois and the 6 speed swap is beginning this week according to when I last spoke with the owner of the place a week and a half ago.

You've already proven your ignorance when it comes to Fieros.  The dyno I have on my site shows the difference between the EGR valve on and off.  And you stand here calling me a liar.  That's your opinion and that's fine.

My opinion is that you are a troll and are way too concerned with my life.  Please get your own.

Offline Louis DiasTopic starter

Re: Time to celebrate!
« Reply #296 on: February 21, 2006, 05:43:02 PM »

koaftder wrote:

I never called you a liar. All i asked was if you could put up some pix of your car, and why not, arent you proud of it? Ive worked on thousands of cars, even a few fieros. I never said i was an expert on fieros. In fact, i'm not an expert on any type of car. But from the experience of thousands of repair jobs, i can tell you that guys who put chrom tips on their exhaust pipes think they ride runs faster. Customers who have the fluids topped off and the brakes changed perceive better performance from the car, etc.

If you've worked on cars then you'd know that getting 10 rear wheel horse power out of a car just by popping off an EGR valve tells you the stock 2" Fiero exhaust made for a 2.8L motor is too restrictive for a 3.4 motor that it's now attached to and that there's more potenital there to be unlocked with a proper exhaust.  By your statement, you should also know that getting 10 dyno-proven rwhp out of any mod is pretty good.

Wow, for the first time you actually state an oppinion. Congradulations.

Haha, i see you are getting upset now, maybe it's because you just realized that you neglect your woman to buy parts for your fiero.

Actually, everything is my opinion and always has been from the GC's ability to run AO4 to VB.NET being better than C.  It's people like you that act childish and cry foul.  As for the woman comment, if I have to spend that kind of money on her, she's already not worth it.  Cars and computers are a hobby.  Relationships are supposed to be equal partnerships, if yours haven't been, that's your weakness of character.  It's hard to get upset when I now see how all your reactions to my statements are just coming up as childish remarks.  So now I understand what I'm dealing with.

You can follow this thread: http://www.fiero.nl/forum/Forum1/HTML/024804-34.html
after he finishes the Caddy 4.9 w/6 speed in a Fiero he is going to be doing my 2.8 w/6 speed conversion.  It will be the first time he's worked on a 2.8 other than removing them for V8 swaps...because that's his main business.

Update: part of my suspension and brake package is now pictured on that page and on the next is my wheels...

Offline Louis DiasTopic starter

Re: Time to celebrate!
« Reply #297 on: February 23, 2006, 11:05:31 PM »

Tripitaka wrote:
You two should be on tha' telly, maybe on tha cheapass channel dat Ma 'n Cletus watch, sure!
We don' g'much f'book learning 'round here.
Hey! how 'bout you fellas git t'gither an duke it out huh? ya seem t' hate each other pretty big.

Didn't you bloaks learn English in school?

Offline Louis DiasTopic starter

Re: Time to celebrate!
« Reply #298 on: February 24, 2006, 12:00:38 AM »
Well, if we were going to drink the fuller beers, I'd have to ask for a Blue Moon.  At the clubs these days I drink Captain Crunch - Captain Morgan, Malibu, pine-apple juice and cranberry juice.

Offline Louis DiasTopic starter

Re: Time to celebrate!
« Reply #299 on: February 24, 2006, 12:24:37 PM »

adolescent wrote:

lou_dias wrote:

Update: part of my suspension and brake package is now pictured on that page and on the next is my wheels...

Why aren't you doing the work yourself?  The best part of car customizing is satisfaction of doing it yourself.


#1: Fiero engines come out the bottom so you need a lift (to lift the car off the drivetrain)
#2: No garage
#3: It's bloody cold out there with no garage
and most importantly
#4: I don't like to get my hands dirty

I have done basic things like replace the clutch slave cylinder and basic distributor/ignition stuff.  I've grinded excess casting off the factory exhaust manifolds.  I know everything I want done and I've picked every part myself, I'd just rather pay someone else to put it together and leave me to the most important part: enjoying the driving.