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AmigaKit - Above all the rest!
« on: February 19, 2012, 09:59:35 PM »
My First Contact AmigaOne X1000 arrived a couple days ago, after a delay due to FedEX not following the proper Customs Clearance procedures, which resulted in them shipping my X1000 back and forth between California and Tennessee, which might be the reason that so much damage was inflicted upon my package.  (I guess all those YouTube videos about FedEX drivers and employees trashing people's packages are true)

AmigaKit's owner, Matthew Leaman knew about the delay due to the improper Customs Clearance processing, before I did, which just goes to show how committed he is to knowing what is going on with his shipments.

My X1000 was damaged pretty bad, even though AmigaKit had done an excellent job of trying to protect it.  I could find no fault with their packaging materials or methods and I seriously doubt that any package could have survived the forces exerted upon my X1000 package by the FedEX gorillas.  It literally looked like they had dropped it from the plane as they flew over and then dragged it behind the truck, instead of putting it inside for the delivery.

Again AmigaKit was on top of the situation and responded immediately to correct the situation and handle the claim with FedEX.

I cannot praise them too much for their efforts and would recommend them to everyone as the best retailer/dealer I have ever had the pleasure to do business with.  Not just in the area of Amiga items, but the best of any retailer/dealer of any product I have ever done business with.

Luckily my X1000 still works and I have been able to test it for a little while (I can't currently sit at a desk for more than a few minutes each day).  I am pleased to report that it is better than I had imagined.  I am sure I will find it's limitations as I use it more, but it is very Amiga-Like and brings back memories of earlier days, when I was first learning how to use my A1000 in 1987.  

Since this is my first OS4.x computer, I have lots to learn, but from my initial impressions, it is going to be a fun experience and I can easily recommend to anyone sitting on the fence about buying an X1000 computer, don't hesitate.  When the next production run of the X1000 is announced and if AmigaKit sets up another pre-purchase registration to create a list of buyers for the next production run, don't hesitate to jump in and get on that list.  This is a great system for running OS4.1.5, so if that is what you want to run, why not do it on the best available hardware made just for that purpose?

The X1000 is not for everyone, and I understand all the arguments of the critics that would never consider buying one of them, but for the rest of us that understand what it is and what it was created for, I say go for it and enjoy the ride.  You can't get better support and treatment than AmigaKit provides and you can't get a better computer to run OS4.1.5 on.

As Trevor puts it, "Let's keep this party going"!

Edit:  If you are an AmigaOne X1000 beta-tester, or just another X1000 owner, please add your comments to this thread about your impressions of AmigaKit and your own X1000 experiences.
« Last Edit: February 19, 2012, 10:05:13 PM by amigadave »
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Re: AmigaKit - Above all the rest!
« Reply #1 on: February 20, 2012, 01:23:18 AM »

Not a bad idea, but extreme shipping cost if you do it that way.:)

If you are an OS4 user, I do not see how you could be disappointed with the performance of the X1000. (unless you are expecting something unrealistic from it before it arrives.)

I am posting this from my X1000 using OWB (MUI version).  Looks very familiar to Fabs excellent Odyssey for MorphOS that it is ported from.  Glad Fab and others worked together on this fine browser for OS4, and hoping that more software cooperation happens so the same software can be enjoyed on either OS4, or MorphOS, or AROS (maybe even some of them on AmigaOS3.9 when it is running on a fast Natami system, or UAE on fast hardware).
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Re: AmigaKit - Above all the rest!
« Reply #2 on: February 20, 2012, 06:41:59 AM »
Quote from: kedawa;681069
Are you saying that those who don't find the X1000 worthwhile don't "understand what it is and what it was created for"?

No, I am saying that the people that understand what it is and what it was created for, and decide to buy one, don't care about all the criticism and insults that are posted on this and other forum sites.  

It is the best choice for doing what it was intended to do at this point in time.  It is the fastest computer for running OS4, so if you want to run OS4 fast, then this is the computer to buy, if you can afford it and if you can get past all the criticism and negative comments about price, or performance compared to modern computers, etc.

Just because some people don't agree that it is worth the price to buy it, does not make the people who disagree with them and do buy it wrong.

I don't hear any of the X1000 buyers complaining about the price they paid.  I own 5 computers with registered MorphOS keyfiles and know how little I paid for each of those computers systems.  I also know some of the advantages that MorphOS currently has in performance and features that are currently missing in OS4.1.5, but none of those factors made any difference in my decision to buy an X1000 and I don't regret my decision one bit.

Like I said, the X1000 is not for everyone (meaning that not everyone will want one as they prefer to spend their money on other things), and OS4 is not for everyone either, as it has limitations that are being worked on and it might never become anything other than a hobby OS for a few users that like it.  I could say the exact same things about used Mac G4 hardware and MorphOS, or x86 hardware and AROS.  We are all different and value different things.  I happen to like all things related to the original Commodore Amiga computers.
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Re: AmigaKit - Above all the rest!
« Reply #3 on: February 20, 2012, 04:54:00 PM »
Quote from: save2600;681095
Sounds like it's long overdue that Amigakit uses a different shipper. I cannot stand FedEx today and will no longer have anything delicate shipped by them.

Actually, AmigaKit has had very good luck with FedEX shipments for several years.  These two recent reports of damage are a rarity for them.
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