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Darth Maul is DEAD DEAD DEAD!
« on: March 14, 2013, 02:21:30 AM »
Darth Maul is dead. No amount of rage could save him from his fate. Not only was he cut in half, but he also fell to the planet's core from which Naboo draws is power. He is ash, nothing more nothing less. And yes, while he may look intimidating, though he may look like the most powerful Sith you have ever laid eyes on, he is not. Powerful yes, skillful yes, well trained with the light saber yes, but all powerful? No. I think the novels and comics made his fate pretty clear. Dead is dead, and no the Visionaries story arc do not count, they are not canon!

Likewise, Mandalore is an autonomous collective, it's not some "cultured" politically correct collective for douche bags. No Mandalore's government toppled, like two times and it has been the law of The West ever since then. The general rule is this on Mandalore,"you don't cross me, I don't shoot you." Why do you think Mandalorians are so feared? Because of their ability to talk hours on end about political philosophy? Real Mandalorians only have time for action, not philosophy, comfort, and a nice fitting wardrobe!

And in the case of the invented Darth Maul's Brother character in Clone Wars....

ummmm, you can't be granted Sith Skill over night via magic, that's just retarded! Why would Maul even care about his brother after all these years anyhow? If a Jedi can sever his connection with his family and loved ones, don't you think a Sith does too only a thousand times over? They generally crave power, not brotherhood. The idea of Maul having a brother, or at least one he is capable of bonding with after years under Palpatine's control... is just plain stupid.

Anyhow, that's my rant for today.
« Last Edit: March 14, 2013, 11:24:32 PM by XDelusion »
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Re: Darth Maul is DEAD DEAD DEAD!
« Reply #1 on: March 14, 2013, 11:44:54 PM »
Quote from: TheBilgeRat;729111
It's Star Wars.  All canon was blown away by midichlorians and episodes 1-3, what little there was to begin with.

 Midichlorians piss me off too. Thankfully I believe The Phantom Menace is the only novel that makes any mention of them, the rest of the authors just kind of dropped the subject and wisely so. Star Wars is about a mysterious all encompassing force which binds all things together and which can be harnessed and used for either positive or negative results, and likewise, will render positive or negative results upon the user depending upon how they use it. That whole "strictly science and logic" angle that the  midichlorians brought to the table really didn't fit in, unless...

...unless of course midichlorians are just things that gravitate towards those who are sensitive to The Force, and not necessarily what makes one strong in The Force. That I can stomach.

As for Episodes I, II, and III, the do not exist in my mind. I believe I watched each of them a couple times, tried a few fan edits, found no way to like them (maybe a scene or two), and discarded them forever. There is no parts 1-3, there is only:

Darth Plagueis
Darth Maul: Saboteur
Cloak of Deception
Darth Maul: Shadow Hunter
The Phantom Menace
Rogue Planet
Outbound Flight
The Approaching Storm
Star Wars Episode II: Attack of the Clones
The Cestus Deception
The Hive
Jedi Trial
The Republic Commando Novels
MedStar I and II
Yoda: Dark Rendezvous
Labyrinth of Evil
Revenge of the Sith
Dark Lord: The Rise of Darth Vader
Imperial Commando 501st (discontinued because of the craptastic Clone Wars series and all it's contradictions to Karen Traviss' work)
The Last of the Jedi (series)
Coruscant Nights (series)
The Han Solo Trilogy
The Lando Trilogy
A New Hope
Choices Of One
The Empire Strikes back
Shadows of the Empire
Return of the Jedi
The Truce at Bakura
etc. etc. etc.

And of course most of the Dark Horse Comics such as Republic, Dark Times, Empire, and so forth.

I understand the prequel movies contradicted a ton of stuff, but the novels and comics do their best to patch things up and serve as a much better representation of good Star Wars story telling.
« Last Edit: March 15, 2013, 12:09:49 AM by XDelusion »
Earth has a lot of things other folks might want... like the whole planet. And maybe these folks would like a few changes made, like more carbon dioxide in the atmosphere and room for their way of life. - William S. Burroughs

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Re: Darth Maul is DEAD DEAD DEAD!
« Reply #2 on: March 14, 2013, 11:50:38 PM »
Quote from: Kesa;729141
I think i see the problem here. What you really want is Star Trek. All this "star wars" sillyness can only end one way  ;)

Pfft! Star Trek is even worse when it comes to continuity. None of the novels even try to match up hardly, and well since the release of the latest movie (which was an awesome action film (not sci-fi) btw), nothing as we know it ever happened, time travel saw to that for the 5th billionth time. :)
Earth has a lot of things other folks might want... like the whole planet. And maybe these folks would like a few changes made, like more carbon dioxide in the atmosphere and room for their way of life. - William S. Burroughs

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Re: Darth Maul is DEAD DEAD DEAD!
« Reply #3 on: March 15, 2013, 01:20:45 AM »
Quote from: gertsy;729144
I'm a bit upset by that.  I had no idea.  And I was saving up to buy that DVD. Damn!

PS: Weren't the Mandalorians in Back to the Future ?  Or were they female ones?  (Sorry I am a Dad)

WTF?!?! Back to the Future? Great stuff!
Earth has a lot of things other folks might want... like the whole planet. And maybe these folks would like a few changes made, like more carbon dioxide in the atmosphere and room for their way of life. - William S. Burroughs

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Re: Darth Maul is DEAD DEAD DEAD!
« Reply #4 on: March 16, 2013, 03:35:21 AM »
Quote from: Kesa;729365
Wait, if Episodes I, II and III do not exist then why are we talking about Darth Maul? :confused:

For the record i like Darth Maul but not the 3 movies. Ep I was good because of the lightsabre deuls in it. Liam Neeson was good too. So was the CGI artwork of Corusent.

Because he's a character in the books I listed? :)

As for Star Trek, I actually do like it, but what "they" consider canon...

...well it's not important to me in regards to Star Trek. I mean I'm not as passionate about it. I love the old Kirk,Spock,Bones movies, and I like the old 70's animated series quite a bit. Used to watch Next Gen and a little Enterprise, but never got too addicted, but I can say I liked the new movie, it felt like Star Wars kinda, had that kinda flow to it, though it of course didn't contain the underlying mystical element which I crave so much and has all but been banished from the latest in Star Wars movie and TV offerings.

 As for my Star Wars canon, it consists of books, comics, and the old West End role playing books. What George McLucas says is Canon is a joke, he can't even keep things straight with the original stories which he takes total credit for conceiving....

...funny too, his original was drastically re-edited. The second and third were not even written by him, and the majority of the fleshing out of his very basic scripts, were done by others too, in fact they stepped in and changed whole elements of his stories, so ya... now that he has returned to do more Star Wars, he's made a mess of things.
Earth has a lot of things other folks might want... like the whole planet. And maybe these folks would like a few changes made, like more carbon dioxide in the atmosphere and room for their way of life. - William S. Burroughs

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Re: Darth Maul is DEAD DEAD DEAD!
« Reply #5 on: March 16, 2013, 09:16:59 AM »
Sweet, I'll check them out!

Fanmade Star Wars? Yes! Hope you don't mind subs...



They are raising money for the third installment.
Earth has a lot of things other folks might want... like the whole planet. And maybe these folks would like a few changes made, like more carbon dioxide in the atmosphere and room for their way of life. - William S. Burroughs

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Re: Darth Maul is DEAD DEAD DEAD!
« Reply #6 on: March 20, 2013, 02:54:04 AM »
Quote from: Kesa;729491
Awesome movies. These guys should be showing Disney and George Lucas how to make proper movies. I thought the story was a little confusing but i still really enjoyed it. I think it's amazing what fans can do when they put their minds to it. Are there any others?

Also what about games for the PC? I don't play many games so are they any good? If yes i will play one.

The movie can be a little bit tricky to follow since it seems to jump around a bit like Pulp Fiction, and of course the directing style is kinda different, but ya, I was very impressed, can't say I've seen another Star Wars fan film that I really wanted to watch over and over.

The general plot line is this just in case you missed it. A very very very very very long time after Return of the Jedi, the most powerful Jedi on the Counsel goes in search of an ancient artifact. When he finds it, and ANCIENT sith is guarding it, kills off the team the Jedi Master came with, and tells him that he is the one that prophecy spoke of that would gain access to the ancient artifact which would make him "The Living Force", what ever that means. I imagine they are going to explain that in the third movie.
 Anyhow, he is at first angered that the Sith killed off his party, but then eventually succumbs to the lure of the ancient Sith's words, as he is told by the Sith that he will be given infinite bodies in order that he may live infinite generations if he needs to, in order to locate the ancient artifact.

NOTE: All this stuff ties borrows heavily from the Star Wars Old Republic Era which takes place about 60,000- 10,000 years before Phantom Menace, Also it borrows from elements introduce in the first century after Return of the Jedi.

 In the mean time a girl is born who the Jedi Seers identify as The One who is actually intended to gain access to the Ancient Artifact which makes One The Force. The Jedi Knight who in the first movie, turns to the Dark Side, seeks out this girl, but the Seers hide her and send her off with a Jedi Master to be trained.

Years later, she is grown up, The Seers foresee a dark future in which the Jedi Become extinct, and despite their personal torment over having to make this choice, the send the Girl (now in her early 20's) and her Master in the Retrieve the Artifact because they have a vision of the Fallen Jedi Master discovering it soon.

While in the temple that contains the artifact, they confront the fallen Jedi Master, and things kind of end about there... till next movie.

I'm going to show my buddy that Star Trek Fan Film project, he's nuts about Star Trek, I hope he likes it, it's very much like the old show, very cool for what it is, the B-Rate cheese compliments it very well, it's in spirit with the original for sure!

 Oh ya, Star Wars game. If you are into RPG's then the first two Knights of the Old Republic.

If FPS's are your thing then Dark Forces and Dark Forces II: Jedi Knight with the Enhancement pack:


Starts off great, slows down a bit, then BAM, kicks off again! But if you don't like retro, then skip it.
Earth has a lot of things other folks might want... like the whole planet. And maybe these folks would like a few changes made, like more carbon dioxide in the atmosphere and room for their way of life. - William S. Burroughs

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Re: Darth Maul is DEAD DEAD DEAD!
« Reply #7 on: March 21, 2013, 07:07:18 PM »
Quote from: Kesa;729879
Thanks. You clearly are passionate about Star Wars :)

I understood the story fine. I'm used to complicated storylines. My only criticism is that Hope was a copy of Luke Skywalker and the story was too similar to the classic movie Star Wars. Do we really need another chosen one in denial? I would think there would be more stories in the Star Wars universe than the usual good vs evil saga. Let's hope in the future they will do something else.

I think i might pass on those games. I still haven't finished Assassins Creed III - too boring. Games are getting boring to me now  : /

There are plenty of Star Wars books that go beyond the whole "Chosen One/ Good VS Evil Premiss" That's sort of one of the major elements now a days...

making grey areas where in it is hard to decide who is wrong and who is right.

As an example, the Republic Commando books make it very hard to like let alone trust the Jedi. In fact one of the Jedi in the book denounces the Jedi, not to fall to the dark side, but something else... ;)
Earth has a lot of things other folks might want... like the whole planet. And maybe these folks would like a few changes made, like more carbon dioxide in the atmosphere and room for their way of life. - William S. Burroughs