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Author Topic: 20 Questions with Alan Redhouse  (Read 7924 times)


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Re: 20 Questions with Alan Redhouse
« on: June 10, 2005, 11:12:14 AM »
"Just a reminder that the classic Amigas are still here folks. They've just been shoved into the corner by the zealots clamoring for something new. Let's take a step back, get our breath, then get back to what matters, and that is enjoying whatever we've got without all the political stupidity.


 I eat every word you say. I don't so much that the Amiga's future will be on Mac hardware, though I would not be surprised to see it appear on IBM.
 None the less. There is an upside to this being the efforts of a hobbyist collective (that has a very smash the church, smash the state kind of ring to it) so far...

..but who's to say it won't pick up? I think the philosophy behind the OS itself is alive now, more than ever. It has been designed to be embedded from day one, and I truely feel that the future will be devices, as opposed to our large boxes. I think the next generation of game consoles should speak as a testament for the future of computing just by there abilities and price tag, which we all know is both HIGH and low.
 They are tiny with microscopic CPU's, built by none other than IBM.
RAM devices are growing in popularity, and are unchallenged in the hard drive market when it comes to speed, only size atm, but things always change, and things come to and end, and new things come into being.
 Resource friendly, as well as a use friendly OS, that has gone un-sung for MANY years, though it has been ripped off, a thoughsand times over in design.
 It has the all to familiar Prefs (control panel), which winblows shares many striking similiarities with. Oh and recall how Microsoft introduced "multi tasking" back in 95, or even Apple for that matter? How about web browsers with pop-up blockers? A simple GUI that runs on a mere 256k RAM if needs be, but in this rapidly growing market, who needs to bother with a mere 256k when we've got Gigs? Gigs of overkill, as the OS does not even nead anything near that, nore do the applications, everything is tiny, needing little from the CPU and Memory, leaving plenty of room for large scale processes that the Amiga was designed for, such as video editing, and audio mixing. Of course there is always room for boring office apps and what not. Only now, unlike M$ Office, they have the option of booting in a millionth of a second, thankx to Amiga's minimalistic philosophy.

And if not, then it continues to be a Hobbyist Collective, and is saved from the corruption of commercialism, capitalism, facism, and all the other fun things that really rule out governments and coporations. I know most Amiga fanatics don't seem to be fond of being spied on, and having tracking devices in there computers and the like.

Anyhow, I'm done ranting, glad I didn't buy an Amiga One.
Earth has a lot of things other folks might want... like the whole planet. And maybe these folks would like a few changes made, like more carbon dioxide in the atmosphere and room for their way of life. - William S. Burroughs