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Author Topic: 4,000 whitecoats can`t all be wrong?  (Read 1723 times)


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Offline KennyR

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Re: 4,000 whitecoats can`t all be wrong?
« on: July 12, 2004, 08:53:27 PM »
Whitecoats never win against brownnosers.

Offline KennyR

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Re: 4,000 whitecoats can`t all be wrong?
« Reply #1 on: July 15, 2004, 08:29:30 PM »
T_Bone wrote:
"Thousands of scientists who are creationists and who repudiate any form of molecules-to-man evolution in their analysis and use of scientific data."

Those are not scientists. They only call themselves that. Scientists use scientific method to prove or disprove theories. Creationist 'scientists' start out with the theory (scripture) defined true by default and set themselves the task of trying to disprove any evidence that is against it. Mostly their efforts are nitpicking; the evidence against Biblical creation is absolutely overwhelming, even for the layman. Everywhere you look. Unless of course they blame Satan for trying to mislead us...sigh.

Science and religious doctrine can't mix. They're mutually exclusive.

Yes, that's right, 16,000 dentists in the United States alone think flouride is junk science. Why couldn't this Anti-Bush organization find only 4000 to support their cause? If something so well accepted as dental flouride has so many detractors, you'd think they could rummage up more than 4k for this cause.

Not believing that fluoride prevents tooth decay and kills plaque is probably not the reason why they think it's 'junk science'. The statistics show that fluoridated water areas have much lower levels of tooth decay. Before fluoride toothpaste was introduced, it was normal to have missing or rotten front teeth before the age of 20. Septicaemia caused by jaw ulcers used to be one of the biggest killers of pre-industrialised Man. Now it's practically unheard of, and that happened before antibiotics.

(OT, but, personally...I think the whole fluoridated water thing is the classic right wing conspiracy bunk. They're only angry because they don't get to choose whether they get fluoride or not - understandable - but they choose to fight this by trying to pull down established fact and setting loose stupid and unsubstantiated rumours.)