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Author Topic: Getting Amiga PCMCIA CF card readers quickly  (Read 877 times)


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Offline Boing-ball

Re: Getting Amiga PCMCIA CF card readers quickly
« on: April 05, 2024, 03:36:08 PM »

PC Card = good
CardBus = bad
ExpressCard = bad

The main issue is that the label PC Card was only used after CardBus came out. Before that it was simply referred to as PCMCIA while today PCMCIA refers to any of them. You might have to trust the absence of CardBus and ExpressCard and hope the best.

FAT32 should be ok for either FAT95 or CrossDOS.

Unfortunately some A1200’s and 600’s can be fussy with certain brands as well. Usually you are fine with Scandisk branded PCMCIA to CF card readers.

You have made sure you have in L: FAT95 . Also you have the Compactflash.device in DEVS and that the mount file is setup with the filesystem as L:FAT95 and device Compactflash.device

CrossDos doesn’t work with CF cards from what I believe, even in OS 3.2 or above. Had this issue and had to use FAT95 with a FAt32 formatted card.

Aminet has all the drivers you need. CFD133 for Compactflash.device and the mount file and FAT95 for the filesystem.

Again, you do not mention where in the world you are, so cannot answer the question about where to get a PCMCIA to CF quickly 🤷🏻‍♂️


Offline Boing-ball

Re: Getting Amiga PCMCIA CF card readers quickly
« Reply #1 on: April 06, 2024, 04:09:21 PM »
OK thanks! I've just ordered a type T I from Amazon with a familiar looking label on it. It should arrive later today (Saturday), then I hope to try it out on Sunday. As for the CF card I used to use for the transfers, that's another matter. How would I know which CF cards are compatible for using to transfer files from a Mac to my Amiga A1200? I used Linux last time.

Usually Sandisk and Kingston CF cards will work.

Offline Boing-ball

Re: Getting Amiga PCMCIA CF card readers quickly
« Reply #2 on: April 07, 2024, 07:17:13 PM »
I've got a SanDisk card 4Gb 30Mb/s CF card I was using before my Amiga A1200 got damaged. I hope to find it works later today. I may have to try formatting it to FAT16 instead of FAT32, though.

I would stick to FAT32 as FAT95 will work with that. But your choice.

Offline Boing-ball

Re: Getting Amiga PCMCIA CF card readers quickly
« Reply #3 on: April 09, 2024, 10:18:31 AM »
I've now got a new old PCMCIA CF card reader for my A1200. I inserted the FAT32 CF card which I formatted on my MacBook and booted up my Amiga from the SFS CF card which I installed by myself. Unfortunately, the FAT32 card wasn't detected. Next, I booted up from the PFS CF card which I bought from an eBay seller. This time the FAT32 card was detected under Dopus and it also appeared as a floppy drive icon on my Workbench screen. I was then able to transfer various files from there onto my Amiga. This means my problem is now solved!

I wish I could also detect the FAT32 card when booting up from mx SFS CF card, but I think that's a subject for a new thread.

On the SFS Card build. You do have the Compactflash.device in DEVS
The CF0 mountpoint in DEVS DOSDrivers
The FAT95 filesystem in L

These do not come with AmigaOS or Workbench. You have to download them off Aminet and put them on yourself.