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Author Topic: Setting up Aiptek Hyperpen 6000 tablet on A1200  (Read 2979 times)


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Offline Boing-ball

Re: Setting up Aiptek Hyperpen 6000 tablet on A1200
« on: April 21, 2024, 01:24:09 PM »
Great news! I finally managed to get my Aiptek Hyperpen 6000 graphics tablet working with my Amiga A1200 on the evening of Sunday, April 09.

After the FormaldiHyd driver detected my tablet, I wondered if I needed to adjust the settings which I think was mentioned in the video. Rather than watch it again first, I started up Deluxe Paint V and found that I could move the cursor and draw with it straight away.

Here's my third attempt at drawing something with it, but I'm sure I'll soon get better.

Looking good. 👍🏻