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Author Topic: Phase 5 Cyberstorm MK 1 Reboot with Guru Meditation afterwards  (Read 1609 times)


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Offline Boing-ballTopic starter

Phase 5 Cyberstorm MK 1 Reboot with Guru Meditation afterwards
« on: November 28, 2023, 01:00:38 PM »

After the issues I had with the Apollo 4040 card, I decided to swap this out for a Phase 5 Cyberstorm 68060 with the 128MB Fast RAM and SCSI modules. While I was at it, replaced my Kickstart ROMs with another freshly set of 3.2.2 ROMs (47.111). Just in-case.

After what seemed to be dicey start with the same issues in Workbench I saw with the 4040 (Software stopping and random freezes), I then re-installed the THOrs MMU Libs and now finally then decided to go with the Phase 5 Cyberstorm Libs.

Now here is the issue.

Regardless of Libs being used. Everything I do a soft reboot, the system attempts to boot but then 11 quick flashing power LED and either Software Guru meditation error 80000004 or 800000b. This will then get stuck in a reboot loop. Switch the Amiga off for about a minute and everything is fine.

I have replaced the Rev 1 68060 with a Rev 5 68060 just to make sure the CPU isn’t bad. Still the same.

I’m guessing something is not being let go during the soft reboot?

Anyone else had this issue?
« Last Edit: November 28, 2023, 01:44:19 PM by Boing-ball »

Offline Boing-ballTopic starter

Re: Phase 5 Cyberstorm MK 1 Reboot with Guru Meditation afterwards
« Reply #1 on: December 09, 2023, 09:52:16 PM »
Okay so time for an update.

1).. Took everything apart and cleaned all the connectors.

2).. CPU changed from Rev 1 to Rev 5.

3).. Swapped the SD card out with another and formatted to FFS fresh install of OS3.9 then 3.2

Since changing the SD card, I’m still getting mixed issues with Guru errors and lock ups to no boots. I have now got this down to the following causing this. The 68060 Libs. I’ve tried both THOrs and the Phase 5 System disk. Random gurus and issues with Startup after SetPatch has initialised with lock ups or RamLib failed gurus.
To get by this to carry in getting past this issue, I have had to use the following in Startup-Sequence with the SetPatch command.


This has now meant a stable system, but with DCACHE disabled meaning a slower system.

Next step is now to try to follow the FAQ on THOrs guide in how to create a patched SetPatch using the 680x.library with the 68060.library. Hopefully I will then get this sorted after over a month 🤔🙄


Offline Boing-ballTopic starter

Re: Phase 5 Cyberstorm MK 1 Reboot with Guru Meditation afterwards
« Reply #2 on: December 10, 2023, 01:55:28 AM »
For 3.2, all you need is either 68060.library from Phase5 or 68060.library, mmu.library and p5init from ThoR.

No need to patch SetPatch.

Tried all of the above. Believe me this system I have is a major problem child!

If I try the Thor Libs. Yes it will sort of boot, but get Guru after Guru issues. #80000000B, #8000003D and even #8000000004! This is on both a fresh 3.9 install or a 3.2 install. I can only get anywhere by initialising the NOCACHE in SetPatch at the moment.

According to THOrs FAQ. If I get no boot or Guru errors then I have to make sure I have the Boards 68040 dummy Library with the 68060 library. Or failing that, use the 680x.library with the 68060.library but will have to perform a patching of the original SetPatch to make it work. I don’t have a 68040 dummy library. The P5 system disk I got off Amiga.resource.cx only have 68040new, 68040old, 68060.

Have tried the P5init with the MMU.Configuration.P5. No go whatsoever!

As you can see why this thing has taken me over a month!


Offline Boing-ballTopic starter

Re: Phase 5 Cyberstorm MK 1 Reboot with Guru Meditation afterwards
« Reply #3 on: December 18, 2023, 06:10:58 PM »
Right an update…

I have seemed to fix the problem. Yes it did NOT need the SetPatch patching. As that is only needed for 3.1 SetPatch at V43 to V44.

So this is how I did it..

Used original SetPatch V47+ off OS3.2.2 Update disk (Specifically taken from the 4000Dmodules.adf), then made sure I had 680x.library and 68060.library copied over off ThorsMMUlibs to Libs: on my setup. DO NOT have any other 680#.libraries in Libs:

In startup-sequence, make sure it’s set to C:SetPatch >NIL:

In Prefs:Env-Arch I do need to make sure that the MMUconfiguration has the P5init command.

And tht’s it. It appears my MK1 Phase 5 Cyberstorm is very fussy and requires that 68040dummy.library or the Thors 680x.library.

If I din’t do the above then it’s Guru city or no bootup. 😳🙄

If I use THORs Installer in Expert mode. Then the 680x.library gets left off.

« Last Edit: December 18, 2023, 10:13:35 PM by Boing-ball »

Offline Boing-ballTopic starter

Re: Phase 5 Cyberstorm MK 1 Reboot with Guru Meditation afterwards
« Reply #4 on: January 10, 2024, 02:53:03 PM »
Still give it a go. But make sure you back everything up first….