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Author Topic: Commodore Los Angeles Super Show 2023 - April 15-16  (Read 2633 times)


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Offline RetroNinja

Re: Commodore Los Angeles Super Show 2023 - April 15-16
« on: December 20, 2022, 12:33:43 AM »
I attended the 2021 show. It was a good show. A lot of focus on the 8 bit line. Recently I went to Amiwest 2022 show. That one was focused on Amiga OS 4. When I say focus I mean the events and the people's main interest. Contrary, at the CLASS 2021 there one guy who hauled in a bunch of Amiga emulators and was also demo'ing a PiStorm in his A2000. With this much heads up, I plan to show up for CLASS 2023. Thanks for all of your work Robert!

A different Rich.

Offline RetroNinja

Re: Commodore Los Angeles Super Show 2023 - April 15-16
« Reply #1 on: April 22, 2023, 04:11:23 PM »
Just curious, have the winners fired up their C64 system (C64+monitor+1541) or the C128 (C128+1571+1902) raffle prizes?

Some opinions...
* any sales presentation, limit it to 15-20mins - mind you I am 'for' a sales presentation, I'm behind people that are building something for the retro community, but an hour long is too long
* do presenters feel pressured to fill an hour?
* did the note taking person record how many tickets were sold for each raffle item? That kind of shows were interests are.
* I really liked the idea of putting your raffle tickets in bags just for the items that interested you, it would have been odd if I won one of the C64/C128 systems I brought
* a 10-11am start of show on Saturday is, personally, preferred; next time I'll drive out from Las Vegas in the early a.m. the day of the show
* T-Mobile is starting to offer a 5G Internet service, in theory we could use that next time so live streaming and dedicated bandwidth are addressed, this is me taking for granted someone would already have the service and we could borrow the hardware for the show
* (again opinion) a dedicated website for the event would be nice, something that would allow people to chat (pre+during+post show)/list items for sale/quick pic uploads/a rough running commentary/etc; I know Robert drops notifications on a lot of retro boards; the space can be on one of the forums/boards or a discord server or a tweet account; it doesn't even have to be CLASS only, it could be a generic platform that is open to any type of show (uh-oh, here comes a another AGA)
* personal gripe, Robert - make sure to ask for a discount on the space next year, you were very accommodating for the firefighter event but you also paid for the room use, it was their scheduling conflict, not yours

I hope these opinions are taken with their positive intent and/or become a discussion point.

All in all a really good show. I counted 25 people there on Saturday. Less on Sunday. I'm a happy Amiga 1010 raffle winner. Using the C128 for ChatGPT was my personal favorite part of the show.