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Author Topic: Interesting Wolfenstein3D port  (Read 5318 times)


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Re: Interesting Wolfenstein3D port
« on: August 27, 2004, 07:03:11 PM »

An A500 port is now required lest another Atari v Amiga war kicks off

What's your point? I miss those days

Embarrasingly I changed sides. I started with an Atari ST, and bashed Amigans all the time. Then a friend showed me his A500 playing a piece of music and formatting a disk at the same time, and I was wooed by multitasking.
Then he bought Shadow of The Beast, and it had graphics better than anything I'd ever seen on my ST, and music with sounds sampled off a Korg M1 (slightly easier on the ear than a Yamaha YM2149) and I realised my Atari was a horrible pile of old poop and bought me an A500  :-D (at which point I started bashing ST users ::blush:: At least I came to my senses in the end ) :lol: