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Author Topic: A-EON Technology Acquires Amiga.org  (Read 29440 times)


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Offline amigakitTopic starter

Re: A-EON Technology Acquires Amiga.org
« Reply #14 on: June 14, 2014, 11:51:56 AM »

We are in the process of talking to all the moderators.

My personal opinion is that on the rare occasion that a moderator has to step in and edit a post, they should reference the section of the Amiga.org Rules to clearly explain publically what part of the post has broken the rules.

Most people want to have fun discussing the computer platform that they have enjoyment from without having to get into conflicts with other users.

We all know that this has not been the case at Amiga.org recently and there are a *very* *small* minority of users who want to push their ideas, promote their "Amiga" platform by making statements not backed up by fact and also they will re-iterate inflamatory statements which are likely to get a reaction from other users, essentially to create friction on the thread (stir up trouble).  A moderator will then need to step in an diffuse the situation and point the thread back on track.  In extreme cases, maybe even close the thread or take other formal actions.

So I see it as consistent but fair moderation.

BTW: in future, if a moderator needs to apply the rules to one of my posts, I will welcome that and apologise for my infringement of the rules.  We are all human and can make mistakes.
« Last Edit: June 14, 2014, 11:54:58 AM by amigakit »
www.AmigaKit.com - Amiga Reseller | Manufacturer | Developer

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Offline amigakitTopic starter

Re: A-EON Technology Acquires Amiga.org
« Reply #15 on: June 14, 2014, 12:00:23 PM »

if anyone else moderators on other sites, we do not control what they do there.  The only site we control is here, and being fair and balanced is important and consistency is also very important.  Its not an easy task being a moderator, so please bear in mind that these guys are always going to get negative feedback (a thankless task unfortunately).  It is like being a referee at a football match, everyone is against the referee but he has to do a job for the match to be played.

If there are problems, we will have an escalation procedure so users can take it to appeal.
www.AmigaKit.com - Amiga Reseller | Manufacturer | Developer

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Offline amigakitTopic starter

Re: A-EON Technology Acquires Amiga.org
« Reply #16 on: June 14, 2014, 12:12:50 PM »

That is their personal view and it should be respected.   Value to different people is perceived in many different ways.  

However, when someone re-iterates that point, especially with inflammatory statements and creates an agenda consistently without contributing anything positive to the thread, it may be considered as trying to create controversy and promote their agenda on other people without consideration to other people's views on the matter.  I also notice that sometimes, statements are taken out of context to create negativity.

When I joined this forum 10 years ago, it was very different place.  Lets get back to discussing the "Amiga" - the small minority can spoil this website for the vast majority here.
www.AmigaKit.com - Amiga Reseller | Manufacturer | Developer

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Offline amigakitTopic starter

Re: A-EON Technology Acquires Amiga.org
« Reply #17 on: June 14, 2014, 12:18:08 PM »

I personally dislike the words "troll" and "trolling": they are abused to describe behavior on forums and become too broad in definition.  If someone infringes the rules, they should be specifically told exactly the rule that has been breached, not labelled as "trolling".  Accountability is very important to make Amiga.org a friendly place to visit.

We will need to discuss this in detail with the moderators and listen to their views.
www.AmigaKit.com - Amiga Reseller | Manufacturer | Developer

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Offline amigakitTopic starter

Re: A-EON Technology Acquires Amiga.org
« Reply #18 on: June 14, 2014, 12:23:28 PM »

Exactly, its never going to be perfect.

There will be tests to apply to any post, though:  ask yourself is this post made to contribute positively to this thread or is is designed to  create controversy or inflame other users?  

Then you need to assess whether the post is a legitimate point of view that adds value to the thread or is deliberately designed to be destructive to the discussion.

Not always an easy thing to do, so moderators need to be commended for the quality of good judgement calls they take in difficult situations.
« Last Edit: June 14, 2014, 12:26:01 PM by amigakit »
www.AmigaKit.com - Amiga Reseller | Manufacturer | Developer

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Offline amigakitTopic starter

Re: A-EON Technology Acquires Amiga.org
« Reply #19 on: June 14, 2014, 10:54:27 PM »
Some of the comments would be relevant if this was a discussion about the X1000 or discussing OS4 or discussing PPC future, it wasn't about any of these subject and the comments posted were off completely topic.  So why were these topics posted in this thread?

nothing insulting in the post

I disagree: there were subjective comments that could cause offence or inflame the thread.
« Last Edit: June 14, 2014, 10:59:36 PM by amigakit »
www.AmigaKit.com - Amiga Reseller | Manufacturer | Developer

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Offline amigakitTopic starter

Re: A-EON Technology Acquires Amiga.org
« Reply #20 on: June 15, 2014, 11:11:11 AM »

I would personally never use such words and besides I do not care what other people use their money for.

This is the right way to contribute on these forums.

If I wrote the same on other sites I already get harsh comments, here it was possible.
harsh comments? if you express your view, then chances are it is going to be responded to by someone with a different view.  As long on is on topic and not repeating the same view in an emotive way designed to inflame, no one here will stop you expressing that view.   Everyone is free to have their opinion- that is what should make a forum an interesting place to contribute to and read, as long as we don't push our opinions forcibly onto someone else.

I cannot and will not judge or compare AmigaOS compared to MorphOS or AROS because I do not own it.
And of course, this thread is not about that subject at all, but you are free to open another thread discussing it if you so wish.

Lets deal with these situations as they arise in future,  I agree with your comments on basing statements in fact and respecting the views of others, but having the freedom to express your view sensibly when it is on-topic.
www.AmigaKit.com - Amiga Reseller | Manufacturer | Developer

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Offline amigakitTopic starter

Re: A-EON Technology Acquires Amiga.org
« Reply #21 on: June 15, 2014, 12:20:24 PM »
"Matthew Leeman of AmigaKit has a thick skin, and/or is a glutton for punishment"

Maybe a bit a both :D  

Lets be realistic here, the Amiga market is a tiny commercial space.  The sad fact is that it cannot sustain many resellers at present because there are not enough users.  Many resellers have "real" jobs apart from selling Amiga products on the side to make extra money.  In my case, I work in the Amiga market full time and have employees to pay every month and very real overheads without fail.  Every order is vitally important to meeting the financial obligations at the end of every month.  

AmigaKit is 10 years old this month and serving the Amiga community is a privilege and over the last decade, it has had high points and low points like any job does.

The vast majority of my existing customers are from Amiga.org, so that is one reason I have a fondness for this website over others and make myself available here to customers.  Some of the users here were the first ones to place orders with me 10 years ago and still are shopping at AmigaKit so we have got to know them very well :)

The acquisition of Amiga.org is definately one of those high points!  Trevor and I are very excited by the opportunity to improve the site and restore some of its former glory.
« Last Edit: June 15, 2014, 12:23:21 PM by amigakit »
www.AmigaKit.com - Amiga Reseller | Manufacturer | Developer

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Offline amigakitTopic starter

Re: A-EON Technology Acquires Amiga.org
« Reply #22 on: June 15, 2014, 12:27:41 PM »

not see prospecting developers and new vendors entering the market

For the last six months, I have been working very hard to encourage developers to write new software, no easy task I can assure you :)   We distribute our products to other vendors, for example the more recent example is our Arcade Evolution joystick for the Amiga which can be found at a few resellers over the world.  We will be distributing the Prisma Sound card through several vendors worldwide too in the near future.
www.AmigaKit.com - Amiga Reseller | Manufacturer | Developer

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Offline amigakitTopic starter

Re: A-EON Technology Acquires Amiga.org
« Reply #23 on: June 15, 2014, 01:31:19 PM »

Yes this is exactly what spurred me on to start the AmigaKit project a decade ago, resellers were closing left, right and centre so something had to be done quickly at the time.
www.AmigaKit.com - Amiga Reseller | Manufacturer | Developer

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Offline amigakitTopic starter

Re: A-EON Technology Acquires Amiga.org
« Reply #24 on: June 15, 2014, 01:39:38 PM »

if you encounter any insults or hostile actions, report it for a Moderator to review- thanks.
www.AmigaKit.com - Amiga Reseller | Manufacturer | Developer

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Offline amigakitTopic starter

Re: A-EON Technology Acquires Amiga.org
« Reply #25 on: June 15, 2014, 02:23:08 PM »

I know, its not going to be easy.

Don't forget this is a primarily Classic Amiga forum (the common link with everyone here).  So I think the emphasis will be on the Classic Amiga topics.  This is still the biggest user base.

However, Amiga.org should be welcoming to MorphOS, AmigaOS 4, Emulation and AROS users too.

If we work together on raising the standards here, I think we will succeed.
www.AmigaKit.com - Amiga Reseller | Manufacturer | Developer

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Offline amigakitTopic starter

Re: A-EON Technology Acquires Amiga.org
« Reply #26 on: June 15, 2014, 05:18:21 PM »

We support MorphOS too.  The wireless cards, USB joysticks, hard drives and keyboards, mice all are MorphOS compatible.  We sold the Pegasos II motherboard and Efika until they were no longer available.  We would sell a boxed version of MorphOS but the MOS Team wish to sell the product directly.
www.AmigaKit.com - Amiga Reseller | Manufacturer | Developer

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Offline amigakitTopic starter

Re: A-EON Technology Acquires Amiga.org
« Reply #27 from previous page: June 15, 2014, 06:15:13 PM »
this are just harware that runs on any existing machine on this planet

We have enough experience with MorphOS to know that not all USB Human Interface devices work with Poseidon. We have a few MorphOS machines in the office that do not work with selected USB keyboards, mice and mass storage devices.  If a customer needs help recommended compatible hardware, we have the experience to advise them.

You missed out the wireless card that I mentioned.  We can provide this with MorphOS drivers to users.  Was this an oversight?
www.AmigaKit.com - Amiga Reseller | Manufacturer | Developer

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