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Author Topic: New User from Australia  (Read 8156 times)


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Offline ExfsoTopic starter

New User from Australia
« on: May 05, 2020, 02:53:23 PM »
Have just found this forum and it looks to be very nice indeed.  I have both the Amiga 2500 and 4000 and just trying to get them both up and running after hiding in my shed for years.  The 4000 has just been re capped and the battery replaced with associated damaged traces and RTC clock chip.  All tested by the tech on his own amiga and passed all tests.  However my Hard drive has given up the ghost and am in the process of getting a CF card option going. It has a warp engine fitted and GVP graphics card.  Have all original disks so that is a plus.
My biggest problem is re learning the system as I have not used it for at least 20 years.
So I am in a learning process on this and being in my 70s it is a bit of a challenge.  I will be very much grateful for any assistance, fancy being a learner at my age! ::)
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Offline ExfsoTopic starter

Re: New User from Australia
« Reply #1 on: May 05, 2020, 05:01:37 PM »

Thanks for the welcome, appreciate your advice.  It is a pretty steep learning curve at present, I have totally forgotten everything I knew about these machines in the last 20 or so years. I originally, or should I say the ex had the Amigas and when she left, she decided she had no further interest, and I had quite a limited knowledge, so basically they both went into storage.  I did not know about the battery issue until about 18 months ago when I decided it was probably worth trying to stoke them up and see what happens, yep, absolutely nothing.  Both machines hard drives have obviously died and the batteries were covered in this white powder. I did not realise what damage was done, but I think I got off pretty well when it went to an aquaintance in Sydney who is into the Amiga and does re-capping.  He did a full diagnostic of the motherboard and only found a couple of damaged traces and re-capped the whole motherboard. So all was working, at least on his Amiga 4000, different stuff on mine though with all sorts of strange images coming up when I powered it up.  The main hard drive is a SCSI operating off my Warp Engine that is affixed to the motherboard, it tried to boot but all sorts of odd stuff was showing up, definitely not the workbench screen or anything like that.  Needless to say it is a work in progress now. There are all sorts of cards attached which I have to get my head around as well. Enough of my ramblings.. ;D


Offline ExfsoTopic starter

Re: New User from Australia
« Reply #2 on: May 06, 2020, 02:43:06 PM »
Robert, I actually live in Adelaide, the tech that did the job for me was based in Sydney.  Really first class guy extremely helpful.

Offline ExfsoTopic starter

Re: New User from Australia
« Reply #3 on: May 06, 2020, 02:48:28 PM »
Just checked that user group in Sydney, and the guy that did the work for me looks to be one of the people running the site.  I seem to remember him telling me about the group.

Offline ExfsoTopic starter

Re: New User from Australia
« Reply #4 on: May 07, 2020, 06:53:46 AM »
Thanks, the 2500 appears to be as dead as a dodo, so work needs to be done on that and I have hard drive issues with the 4000, like they are dead and I am trying to set up a CF card and adapter.  The adapter that was sent was a V.B1 when it should have been a V.H2 so that was a bit of a mess up. The actual connector on the adapter does not fit any IDE cables that I have for the 4000, so I gather they are differently configured.
I am now waiting on the 4000 CF card reader pre formatted from Amiga Kit, with associated cables, it says they are for the 4000, so we shall see when it gets here, hopefully this year!!

Offline ExfsoTopic starter

Re: New User from Australia
« Reply #5 on: May 08, 2020, 03:49:41 PM »
Thanks Robert, made an attempt to contact the local guys, not much luck, they seem pretty uninterested, which is sad.