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Author Topic: Any interest in a crowdfunding for a WebKit based browser for OS4?  (Read 21916 times)


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Offline NinjaCyborgTopic starter

Re: Any interest in a crowdfunding for a WebKit based browser for OS4?
« Reply #14 from previous page: November 18, 2018, 09:43:37 AM »
@Spektro totally agree a way to embed the engine would be a priority and the browser itself should be architected in that way. Datatypes are probably not the right way to do it based on my deep knowledge of OS3 and shallow knowledge of OS4 but BOOPSI might be simply because BOOPSI is pretty bare bones as it is. I can imagine a child type of the reaction window.class that implements a webview window as one possible approach.

Offline NinjaCyborgTopic starter

Re: Any interest in a crowdfunding for a WebKit based browser for OS4?
« Reply #15 on: November 18, 2018, 03:12:40 PM »
@wawrzon I'm already being accused of making promises I'll never keep, despite not yet making any promises, so I definitely won't promise a 68k version! I'd like to think a vampire build might one day be a possibility but right now I'm just spitballing ideas.

I have had a play with OWB on AROS and it renders well but certainly uses all the ram it can get. On OS4 it's just too unstable IMHO. Again, we already have an embedded build for powerpc, and frankly working with code we already know and can build upon is likely to be more productive than importing code from another side project. WebKit also needs a recent GCC 4.7+, which I don't think exists on 68k but maybe exists as a cross compiler?
« Last Edit: November 18, 2018, 03:14:34 PM by NinjaCyborg »

Offline NinjaCyborgTopic starter

Re: Any interest in a crowdfunding for a WebKit based browser for OS4?
« Reply #16 on: November 19, 2018, 07:46:17 AM »

Thanks for the link to GCC6. While I'm not a fan of AROS and MorphOS if they have the necessary dependencies (e.g. Cairo) I'd see no reason not to make the port in a source compatible way. That would at least increase the pool of potential sponsors. Something to look at during initial feasibility.