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Author Topic: AmiGet - Aptitude like app for aminet  (Read 9510 times)


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Offline NinjaCyborg

Re: AmiGet - Aptitude like app for aminet
« on: October 28, 2018, 02:44:13 PM »
I think an interesting place to start that might be more manageable on scope would be to make a library installer. For example, user runs an app that needs reqtools.library. A single command 'amiga-apt install reqtools.library' would check if it was installed already, check a master index of the latest known good library versions which itself could just be an index file submission on aminet in a known fixed location, and then fetch the .lha file with the latest platform appropriate version and extract the library file (without source or other unnecessary cruft, but showing any relevant readme or copyright notice in a text window) into the user's LIBS: or preferred secondary Libs folder e.g. SYS:Local/Libs/

If that worked and got traction you could expand it to datatypes, device drivers and eventually even whole apps.

Offline NinjaCyborg

Re: AmiGet - Aptitude like app for aminet
« Reply #1 on: October 29, 2018, 11:55:46 AM »
Me too as much as I'd love to implement all my dream Amiga projects. However I reckon one could get pretty far prototyping this in shell scripts, using http handler and xad for the tricky bits.

P.S. it's me Tim