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Author Topic: Non-retr0bright de-yellowing.  (Read 17582 times)


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Re: Non-retr0bright de-yellowing.
« on: May 19, 2019, 03:36:23 PM »
I have tested the #LightBrighting technique here in Tucson, Arizona over the past few days, and can confirm it does work. Just remember, all things in moderation. If I left it out for a week or two, it would likely weaken and damage the case for sure. But two or three days? The difference is very noticeable on my A500 case and keyboard. I put a coin on the left side, right under the grill, as a control spot. You can see that the case is several shades lighter. So far, the plastic seems to be in the same condition it was before. This is a total of 16-20 hours of sunlight over three days.
« Last Edit: May 19, 2019, 03:49:12 PM by Dynamic_Computing »