Hi everybody! (and wbrejnia )
Expectacular thread!!!
There're a lot of information, tests, headaches, milestones, and... color fishes!
Let me introduce myself!
I'm an owner of a Commodore Amiga A2000 equiped with a Bridgeboard A2088. And a MFM hard disk which is broken.
All I'm going to comment on is done with the WinUAE. I'm conducting tests before testing with the original hardware. The UAE program is set up exactly like my computer. (Including ROMs)
I installed a CF card (20Mb) as a hard drive. (PC side) And it Works.
I made two partitions.
One partition with Fdisk utility, active and formated. The bridgeboard startup perfectly as C unit.
And I had made with Adisk, a second partición (20Mb)
I've been trying all the versions of Janus.
But when I try to run the DJMount command from CLI, the message "Divide Overflow " appears on the PC screen. And the CLI hangs.
Some clue to start from zero. (Again)?:confused:
What is the combination that finally works? (Janus version and WB version)
A note. I have a 1.2 kickstart (my A2000 is a German revisión) and my bridgeboard revisión is the 3.4
note 2: Forget the small partitions. They were tests from the partition manager.