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Author Topic: All the smart guys left  (Read 6267 times)


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Offline koaftder

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Re: All the smart guys left
« on: April 23, 2012, 08:08:02 AM »
There's nothing wrong with the video, it's just that folks here aren't the target audience.

Offline koaftder

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Re: All the smart guys left
« Reply #1 on: April 23, 2012, 03:21:48 PM »
Quote from: commodorejohn;690160
Uh, no, there's everything wrong with the video. The music is annoying crap that doesn't have any idea what it wants to be other than "moderne,"

It's an up beat, catchy tune. It fits with the scheme of the video. They could have use classical music or R&B, but that wouldn't make sense would it?


 the animation is directionless

It's not directionless in the least. It shows a plausable, real world usage of the setup.

Here's the flow:
Shows the intro screen

shows the stock viewer
shows the sames section
shows some games
Highlights the photos applet
Shows the picture library, browses pictures
Brings up charms bar to mail a friend a picture from the library
User gets a PM while viewing the photo roll ("where are we meeting?")
User switches over to the maps feature, finds a location in the maps
user brings up the PM side bar to say "lemme check"
user searches for a coffee joint, finds it then replies
buddy asks for a ski proposal,
user pops up the desktop environ, brings up a power point and shoots it off to friend
Video pans out to to a view showing the software stack running on a PC, a notebook and a tablet, all with the same programs and UI.



It was extremely fluid


awkward start-and-stop that moves like a newbie Flash animation

Wasn't awkward in the least and it didn't look anything like a "newbie" flash anim.

and the whole thing conveys next to no real information about what this thing is actually going to be like in daily use

Wrong, what it's like using the system was the entirety of the video.

Even putting aside the question of Windows 8's actual merits, this is an ugly failure of an advertisement thrown together by soulless marketroids. Whoever their ad agency was, they should fire them.

They did a fairly in depth overview and managed to fit it in a 1 minute time frame.

The video was designed to highlight an array of features to an audience of non-technical, Joe average consumers who are primarily interested in using the device for entertainment and communication. The target audience would be put off by anything longer than a minute that wasn't upbeat and looked cool.

Folks like you who foam at the mouth every time you see the word
"metro" on the screen aren't the target audience. Of course you hate it, it would never be possible for them to put together a presentation you'd find interesting.