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Author Topic: Hit the performance wall with AMOSPro - Switch languages or target fast Amiga?  (Read 510 times)


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Offline TribbleSmasher

The bugs and crashes you are encountering with AmiBlitz3 and even BlitzBasic2.1 have other reasons.

Especially AmiBlitz3 is maintained still and bugs are now more rare than ever.

Offline TribbleSmasher

I tried AmiBlitz 3.9.10 (latest) for the last couple days and was disappointed to find that it is essentially unusable as compiling will cause a crash in three or four attempts in most cases. Moving the cursor or selecting text can cause a crash. Changing preferences can cause a crash. (I am also building quite the list of non-crashing bugs with the editor.)

This sounds weird all together.

I would suggest the previous version but i don't think it's AmiBlitz's fault.