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Offline Rebel-CD32Topic starter

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New Sonic the Hedgehog Amiga Fangame Project
« on: June 24, 2008, 05:11:59 AM »
It's something a lot of people wanted forever, but never got. Sonic the Hedgehog, although promised by Sega to be released on Amiga, never happened. Whether it was because Sega thought it would threaten Mega Drive sales, or if they thought it couldn't be done on the A500, we'll probably never know. Over the years, we upgraded our Amigas and installed Master System emulators and played those fun, but sub-par Sonic games released for Sega's 8bit systems. We viewed fake demos, and saw complete ripoffs, but we never had a real Amiga version of Sonic.

We should change that! There are plenty of Sonic fangames available for Windows, some for X-Box 360, and even a Spectrum version! While the Amiga probably won't get an exact replica of the Mega Drive game, we can make our own original game in the same style as the Mega Drive games, using ripped and edited graphics and sounds.

As there's no platform game engine available to use, unless a coder wants to help out, we'll have to use Backbone or something similar. I've been playing around with Backbone, and through EXTENSIVE tweaking, have come up with what is as close as you can get to Sonic using Backbone (which is an old freeware platform game maker, made partially in Amos). I can't code, so this is as good as I can do for now. I've tried to get the speed, animation, inertia and controls to feel like the real thing, but of course Backbone wasn't designed for these types of games. For example, it only allows you to choose a single frame of animation for your jump and fall, so it doesn't let you animate Sonic spinning around when he jumps. It also can't make enemies die when you roll into them, or when you jump at them from beneath. There are no diagonal tiles, and no moving platforms, or platforms that fall away when you stand on them.

Despite these limitations, I think we can still come up with a pretty fun game. I want to make this project open for the whole Amiga community to contribute to. Anyone is welcome to download Backbone (and its updates) from Aminet, and create their own levels. I can provide the game files I have created so far for people to test their levels with, and once they have made either some levels, tilesets, sprites or music for the game, they can submit it to us, where we can quality-test it and integrade it into the game. It has the potential to be massive if everyone has a go at adding a level or two, and it's really easy to do since there's a whole bunch of sites full of Sonic graphic rips.

So, to show you what I'm proposing, I have made a quick one-level demo of Sonic in Backbone. I have made two versions, one is for expanded Amigas, and really needs a 030/50 or better to run at a playable speed. The other runs in a much smaller screen, but is quicker, and should hopefully be playable on any Amiga. I have tested it on the CD32 and it was alright.

So, here are the files. Download and (hopefully) enjoy:

Expanded Amigas - http://www.spin.net.au/~amiga/Sonic.lha
All Amigas - http://www.spin.net.au/~amiga/Sonic500.lha
CD32 - http://www.spin.net.au/~amiga/SonicCD32.zip

Extract the game to a directory in Workbench and double click the icon. The game can be played with the control pad or joystick or keyboard. For that authentic Sonic feel, plug in a Mega Drive pad. The CD32 version needs to be burnt with MakeCD on the Amiga or something like Alcohol 120% on Windows. It should boot on any CD32. The game works in both PAL and NTSC, whichever your system is running in. It won't run on RTG or AmigaOS4 or anything like that, this is a game made with an OLD Amiga program for OCS Amigas.

If anyone wants to get involved, shout out.
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Re: New Sonic the Hedgehog Amiga Fangame Project
« Reply #1 on: June 24, 2008, 06:05:52 AM »
I just checked the links and they worked okay, it seems the server is redirecting them to users.spin.net.au instead of www...

All I can suggest is to try again, if anyone else reports the same problem I'll see if I can find somewhere else to post the links.
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Re: New Sonic the Hedgehog Amiga Fangame Project
« Reply #2 on: June 24, 2008, 09:49:02 PM »
Glad you got it to work Zyphoid, and thanks for letting people know how to get it. I'm not sure why, but my ISP's webspace has been kinda unreliable lately.

Chain, cheers for the screenshot, you made my job easier :)

A4000_Mad, I hope your daughter enjoys the game, we'll certainly try our best to make some fun levels for it. How well did Sonic run on the PPC? That's something I'd love to see.

TokyoRacer, glad to see we have another Sonic fan here, and you certainly have enough systems to test the game out on!

SKAN, I'd love nothing more than to find someone who could code platform games in ASM to help us, or even an Amos or Blitz programmer, but unfortunately I've never learned to code, so using Backbone to put the game together is our only choice at the moment.

Matt_H, around 1991/1992 in several multiformat games magazines, they were saying that Sonic was coming out on the Amiga. This was very early on and could possibly have been nothing but rumours.

Flashlab, while Backbone doesn't let you do loops, we're still going to try and make the game as fun and fast as possible. It really is only meant to be a "nice try" anyway, because a nice try is still better than nothing, right?

While I would love to use the Mr. Beanbag engine to make a Sonic fangame (it can do almost all of what the Mega Drive Sonic game was capable of in terms of speed, parallax, colours, score display), it's not available at the moment, and I think Tricky is under enough pressure just trying to get Mr. Beanbag finished for now. I've been considering this since before I started the project, and decided that we could always just make another game once a new engine is available. It wouldn't matter if we reuse the same graphics, since they're just ripped from the Mega Drive anyway. Then we'd have two different Sonic fangames to enjoy.

AmiBoy, that was indeed us. We're still developing a few original games, hopefully to be released late this year. We're still looking for people who want to join our team, too. This Sonic project is just something I'm giving to the Amiga community to work on if they want, while I do more important work (pixelling graphics) for our commercial game projects.

As for those isometric games, I haven't played anything like them to be honest. If someone joins the team who can make such a game, we'll make it though. The more games, the better, and variety is important.
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Re: New Sonic the Hedgehog Amiga Fangame Project
« Reply #3 on: June 26, 2008, 03:34:44 AM »
That's great to know, A4000_Mad. Someday I'll have a PPC Amiga and be running the real game too. PAL/NTSC monitors always show those old low res games nicer than a PC monitor, it must be the scanlines and the slight blur between pixels that makes them look better.

Here's the latest version of the Sonic game I've made. This is it for me, I'm giving the project to the community to continue now so I can get back to working on real Amiga games. I have added a very short second level. I've pushed Backbone to its limits, but this demo should give people an idea of all that's possible to make a Sonic game. You'll see what I mean, and sorry about the jerkiness, it's as smooth as it gets in Backbone.


This one is also optimised for running on a 030, so it's somewhere between the other two demos in terms of screen size and speed.

I'll set up a web page with all the relative files for people to download and have a play around with in Backbone. I'm not "giving up" or anything, but I never even intended to keep going this far with this Sonic game, since I really should be working on graphics for Annihilation and Halloween Nightmare. So I hope others will want to continue with the game, there's a lot of potential for something fun in there.

I hope you enjoy, I've done the best that can be done within Backbone's limitations.
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Re: New Sonic the Hedgehog Amiga Fangame Project
« Reply #5 on: June 30, 2008, 09:18:00 PM »
Okay, I'm going to answer a few questions, but first I want to say that I didn't personally rip any graphics from the Sonic games, I simply saved them from one of the many Sonic fangame/spriterip websites that are out there. Sega has never has a go at anyone for making fangames, and they don't seem to mind at all.

Flashlab, yeah I was the guy with the poll about what kind of games the Amiga community wants, and I have the results here if you want to see them. I'm going to open another similar poll soon. We have gotten a team together and started "Underground Arcade", and currently have a few games in development, at least two of which should be out some time this year. We are still a small group though, and we desperately need more coders, graphic artists and other creative Amiga people to join the team so we can get more games made faster!

This Sonic project was just something I decided to whip up one morning after I woke up, just to see if I could do it. I didn't want to work on it for more than a day though.

I reduced all the background blocks down to 7 colours, although a few unique blocks use some of the colours from the player sprite (who has his own 8 colour palette). I tried to stick to what I observed in OCS games like Mr. Nutz and Brian the Lion, I would hope that these graphics could be used in a fully optimised OCS Sonic engine, which would have to use 7 colours for foregrounds (and possibly enemy sprites), 8 colours for the main sprite (not sure where Mr. Nutz got an 8th colour from, maybe reusing a single colour BOB from the background layer?). So with a bit of tweaking, I think Sonic could still look quite nice on OCS Amigas with a good engine, it would have heaps of parallax if we used the dual playfield mode. Of course with the AGA version you wouldn't lose any colour depth at all since it can do the same 16 colour layers as the Mega Drive.

I'm sure OCS Amiga people wouldn't mind the colour loss compromise if they still get to keep the speed and depth of the original Sonic game, but if the game were to use 32 colours for the sprites and foregrounds and missed out on the parallax, it just wouldn't feel the same, it'd probably feel like this Backbone game (raster bars are nice, but parallax is so much better).

I've left this project open for anyone to continue. They can download all the files required from here - http://sonicamiga.blogspot.com/ and of course new graphics and sounds can be found on the web, Google should produce a few results.

As I was saying earlier though, we have other games that need to be worked on and since we have no other pixel artists in Underground Arcade I've got a lot of work cut out for me, so I'm off of this Sonic thing for now. I just wanted to see if it could be done, and then give it away if anyone wants to continue it.
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Offline Rebel-CD32Topic starter

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Re: New Sonic the Hedgehog Amiga Fangame Project
« Reply #6 on: June 30, 2008, 10:37:58 PM »
Okay, some of the games we're working on (that I'm allowed to talk about) include:

Halloween Nightmare

This is actually two games, both platformers. One is a simple jump & run, avoid baddies, collect the candy type thing. The other is a more involving game with a storyline, heaps of interactive characters, lots of locations to explore, tougher enemies, loads of weapons, mission based levels, and possibly two-player support.


A horizontally scrolling arcade shoot em up. Classic arcade action with three ships to choose from and a huge range of weapons with upgradable firepower.

There are more games being made, but we have to keep them under wraps for now. We'll have some classic arcade remakes as well as some unique and original games too. We're also working on a website and a newsletter, but we've seriously taken on too much work to handle, and progress is slow. We're determined to produce quality games, but any help we can get is appreciated.

For more info, we've set up a blog until we get our website finished. We'll try and update it soon. Here it is - http://undergroundarcade.blogspot.com/
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Re: New Sonic the Hedgehog Amiga Fangame Project
« Reply #7 on: August 09, 2008, 02:47:00 AM »
Sorry for not replying to this post earlier. I have tried the demo on my own WB2.1 A600 with 1MB RAM, and I got the same problem. I think lowlevel.library is needed for the control pad.
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Re: New Sonic the Hedgehog Amiga Fangame Project
« Reply #8 on: September 06, 2008, 01:30:58 AM »
Just shut the {bleep} up, dickhead.
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Re: New Sonic the Hedgehog Amiga Fangame Project
« Reply #9 on: September 06, 2008, 05:38:51 AM »
I'm sick of idiots commenting on things they don't fully understand. How many times do I have to say this game was made with BACKBONE and not CODED. I can't "make sure the code falls back..." because no one is actually programming it. People seem to come on these threads and comment without actually reading all the previous posts. Do some {bleep}ing research, there are hundreds of lame Sonic fangames out there and SEGA (not SONY) has never done anything to stop them. This has been going on for YEARS, so why should I get all worried that SEGA is going to sue me for throwing together a quick demonstration on an obsolete system they probably don't even realise still exists?




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