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Author Topic: Analogic Computers - The Stinker  (Read 13774 times)


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Offline yogisumo

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Re: Analogic Computers - The Stinker
« on: May 05, 2005, 02:54:44 AM »

Hyperspeed wrote:
Well Analogic don't appear to be advertising or contributing to the
Amiga Community any more. They seem to be making their money from the
PC market so if I sue them I'll get money to spend at some Amiga.org

Ok.  That would be the reason that they haven't responded to 3 different emails in the last month.  Guess I'll just cross them off the list.  OTOH, I recently(in the last few months) bought a GVP 060 board from Softhut and could not get it working in my A4000T or A4000D and they replaced it with a Quikpak 060 board that works flawlessly.  Score one for Softhut.  It's always a bit sad to see an Amiga dealer go away for whatever reason but it doesn't hurt quite as much when they're just bad....

Thanks for the thread