« Reply #1 on: May 25, 2022, 09:42:02 PM »
it's great to see a unique game come out on Amiga first, once again.
Hm, what makes it unique?
Personally I've not played a game like it. Maybe I'm wrong that there aren't others out there, but it's not a platformer, FPS, port, etc. Happy to be proven wrong.
« Last Edit: May 25, 2022, 09:53:46 PM by AndyFC »
A1200 in DIY Tower. 3.2 ROMs (softkicking 3.2.2), OS 3.2.2 with ClassicWB, CF card, CD RW and IDE to SD adapter running off the internal IDE port (using the A4000 4-port IDE adapter from Amigakit), Pistorm 32 lite with Pi4/2GB/Emu68 or Blizzard 1230-IV, with 32MB 60ns RAM and 50MHz 68882 FPU. 3COM PCMCIA Network card running with Miami DX.
MorphOS on PowerMac G5 and ATI 9600 pro