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Author Topic: The Settlers save game error.  (Read 5130 times)


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Offline Pat the Cat

Re: The Settlers save game error.
« on: February 24, 2021, 11:36:26 PM »
Are you trying to save to hard drive or floppy?

If you try to save or modify files on a virtual floppy via Gotek - the .adf file must be editable (protection bits rwed). Else the Gotek will not permit edits.

You can't fix from the Amiga side. ADF downloads default to archived status, ie the files are not editable.

There are .adfs of blank floppy disks, these can have the same issue.

EDIT: This is a good thing really, a virus cannot earsily spread from one contaminated ADF file to another if the file is read only, not writable, editable or deletable.
« Last Edit: February 24, 2021, 11:45:15 PM by Pat the Cat »
"To recurse is human. To iterate, divine."

A1200, Vanilla, Surf Squirrel, SD Card, KS 3.0/3.z, PCMCIA dev
A500, Vanilla, A570, Rev 5, KS 1.2/1.3 Testbench system
Rasp Pi, UAE4ARM, 3D laser scanner, experimental, hoping for AmigaOS4Arm, based on Watterott Fabscan Pi

Offline Pat the Cat

Re: The Settlers save game error.
« Reply #1 on: February 25, 2021, 08:06:40 AM »
The copies extracted to floppy disks should behave as floppy disks.  :)

If you mean edit an .adf so that correct file types are set (writable, editable, deletable) then you have to use something that can read the files as a usb stick / sd card with files on, like a regular PC running Windows or Linux).

Technically you could use an Amiga with a "real" usb port or sd card reader. (Which ever medium used by the floppy emulator).

PROTECT Usb0:Game.adf +rwd    <- Assuming drive is mounted as Usb0: correctly and game file in root directory

Or an sd card attached in a compact flash adapter on PCMCIA:-

PROTECT CF0:Game.adf +rwd         <- assumes CF0 has been mounted correctly, CF0 needs big sector size (4096) for cards 2GB-16GB, 8192 16-32GB cards

To mount the drive correctly (as a drive) you would also need Fat95 filesystem handler in your Amiga's L directory.

Is the hard drive one big partition and not even half full? That can cause some software to misread the free space available as negative (would generate "drive is full" message even though it isn't).

OK, there are replacement Workbench commands on 3.1.4 that work correctly (list, dir, info etc) but the game could be using it's own code which would have the same issue.

Filling up the partition with stuff so it's at least half full removes the problem on old Workbench software. Might work with the game trying to save to hard drive, might not.

EDIT: I'm assuming you are running your 4gb CF card as a hard drive and haven't upgradaed to something larger. There is some software that only likes running / operating on the first 4GB of any Amiga hard drive. For instance, PC Task and shapeshifter.
« Last Edit: February 25, 2021, 08:42:31 AM by Pat the Cat »
"To recurse is human. To iterate, divine."

A1200, Vanilla, Surf Squirrel, SD Card, KS 3.0/3.z, PCMCIA dev
A500, Vanilla, A570, Rev 5, KS 1.2/1.3 Testbench system
Rasp Pi, UAE4ARM, 3D laser scanner, experimental, hoping for AmigaOS4Arm, based on Watterott Fabscan Pi

Offline Pat the Cat

Re: The Settlers save game error.
« Reply #2 on: February 25, 2021, 09:06:54 AM »
In that case, finding an hdf of the game, and mounting that as it's own private hard disk, should get around the problem.

(Apparent success with that method reported here);-


Assuming of course you have a set of non-functional floppies and so have to resort to old archives.

EDIT: Also, link is for emulator, not real Amiga. It would depend on Mount command of 3.1.4 or maybe 3rd party one from aminet (might work if released in last couple years or at least post WB3.9). Your milage may vary here.
« Last Edit: February 25, 2021, 01:47:26 PM by Pat the Cat »
"To recurse is human. To iterate, divine."

A1200, Vanilla, Surf Squirrel, SD Card, KS 3.0/3.z, PCMCIA dev
A500, Vanilla, A570, Rev 5, KS 1.2/1.3 Testbench system
Rasp Pi, UAE4ARM, 3D laser scanner, experimental, hoping for AmigaOS4Arm, based on Watterott Fabscan Pi

Offline Pat the Cat

Re: The Settlers save game error.
« Reply #3 on: February 26, 2021, 12:38:16 AM »
No, without using W.inUAE, doing everything on an Amiga, you would need a program to mount the hdf as a disk.


That one was re-released in 2019 to be compatible with 3.1.4 so might just do the job for you.

Like, the hdf file is somewhere on the hard disk - but mounting it as a drive makes it look like it's own hard drive (to the settlers program). It's own icon on WB etc.

Worth a shot I think. it's a very useful program in terms of "looking inside" hdf, adfs or iso images.

The mount only lasts until next reboot, unless you put an entry into user-startup to mount an image from starting up Workbench.
"To recurse is human. To iterate, divine."

A1200, Vanilla, Surf Squirrel, SD Card, KS 3.0/3.z, PCMCIA dev
A500, Vanilla, A570, Rev 5, KS 1.2/1.3 Testbench system
Rasp Pi, UAE4ARM, 3D laser scanner, experimental, hoping for AmigaOS4Arm, based on Watterott Fabscan Pi

Offline Pat the Cat

Re: The Settlers save game error.
« Reply #4 on: February 26, 2021, 10:04:44 AM »
Not advised. It might work if you reduce the current partition size and add one at the end (currently unused).

However, every time you run HDToolbox you run the risk of faffing up your current setup.

Trying to mount the HDF is a  lot more straightforward. Install the dependcies (proabably already on your setup with Workbench 3.1.4) and drag the program to system folder.

When you run Imagemount, it gives you a file requester asking where the hdf file is and does the rest itself.

It might even be ON the system already in the system drawer. Have you looked?
"To recurse is human. To iterate, divine."

A1200, Vanilla, Surf Squirrel, SD Card, KS 3.0/3.z, PCMCIA dev
A500, Vanilla, A570, Rev 5, KS 1.2/1.3 Testbench system
Rasp Pi, UAE4ARM, 3D laser scanner, experimental, hoping for AmigaOS4Arm, based on Watterott Fabscan Pi

Offline Pat the Cat

Re: The Settlers save game error.
« Reply #5 on: February 27, 2021, 08:29:32 PM »
<shrug> Like I said, some software just won't work with big partitions.

I remember when Trenton Web reviewed Settlers, he insisted on no coaching with Amiga hard drives, he wanted tofind out for himself how easy or not it was to install to a hard drive.

I guess the programmers didn't check with a big hard disk because they didn't exist at the time.
"To recurse is human. To iterate, divine."

A1200, Vanilla, Surf Squirrel, SD Card, KS 3.0/3.z, PCMCIA dev
A500, Vanilla, A570, Rev 5, KS 1.2/1.3 Testbench system
Rasp Pi, UAE4ARM, 3D laser scanner, experimental, hoping for AmigaOS4Arm, based on Watterott Fabscan Pi