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Author Topic: **Need Setup HELP** with Classic Amiga 2000 HARD DISK (Bridgeboard)  (Read 92848 times)


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Offline Pat the Cat

Re: **Need Setup HELP** with Classic Amiga 2000 HARD DISK (Bridgeboard)
« Reply #89 from previous page: January 21, 2022, 02:17:17 AM »
The Discord channel for that is very active.

Been taking a break from there for a while now.


Dunno if they've got it working with Autoconfig boards yet.

EDIT: You will also need a micro sd card for the Pi. Faster is better.
« Last Edit: January 21, 2022, 02:58:48 AM by Pat the Cat »
"To recurse is human. To iterate, divine."

A1200, Vanilla, Surf Squirrel, SD Card, KS 3.0/3.z, PCMCIA dev
A500, Vanilla, A570, Rev 5, KS 1.2/1.3 Testbench system
Rasp Pi, UAE4ARM, 3D laser scanner, experimental, hoping for AmigaOS4Arm, based on Watterott Fabscan Pi

Offline Pat the Cat

Re: **Need Setup HELP** with Classic Amiga 2000 HARD DISK (Bridgeboard)
« Reply #90 on: January 21, 2022, 01:23:02 PM »
One guy tried using PCTask with Pistorm. With mixed results;-

"To recurse is human. To iterate, divine."

A1200, Vanilla, Surf Squirrel, SD Card, KS 3.0/3.z, PCMCIA dev
A500, Vanilla, A570, Rev 5, KS 1.2/1.3 Testbench system
Rasp Pi, UAE4ARM, 3D laser scanner, experimental, hoping for AmigaOS4Arm, based on Watterott Fabscan Pi

Offline Pat the Cat

Re: **Need Setup HELP** with Classic Amiga 2000 HARD DISK (Bridgeboard)
« Reply #91 on: January 22, 2022, 04:46:46 AM »
Well, this much I'm aware of;-

1) A314 is a different expansion (trapdoor) designed to give network, hd and I think  RTG support. As it is Pi based, porting the code to extend Pistorm functionality.
2) Emu68 is just the code for 68K emulation. I think main Pihstorm repo has Musashi emulator still bundled, but it's not difficult to compile with either.

3) Compile? Oh yes. It's very much down and dirty with the Pi to get going,

4) Part of the process involves flashing the firmware to the Pistorm adapter to program the CPLD chips. They can be problematic (different versions due to chip shortage, also no guarantee the board was put together right - shorts are not unheard of, although they are often fixable by the end user.

5) More info here;-


And you will often find THAT is outdated. WIP-CRAP for most up to date (AlexH and Beany on Discord doing ever more amazing things).

In short, it's very very DIY and a bit of a slog to setup before you actually slap it into an Amiga and power up.

But, nothing else touches it for price really.
« Last Edit: January 22, 2022, 04:57:35 AM by Pat the Cat »
"To recurse is human. To iterate, divine."

A1200, Vanilla, Surf Squirrel, SD Card, KS 3.0/3.z, PCMCIA dev
A500, Vanilla, A570, Rev 5, KS 1.2/1.3 Testbench system
Rasp Pi, UAE4ARM, 3D laser scanner, experimental, hoping for AmigaOS4Arm, based on Watterott Fabscan Pi

Offline Pat the Cat

Re: **Need Setup HELP** with Classic Amiga 2000 HARD DISK (Bridgeboard)
« Reply #92 on: January 25, 2022, 01:33:12 AM »

Maybe you can answer this question.

When I plug in the PiStorm 2k, what is the best  Boot From Floppy (Game) or (Diagnostic Software) to run on the Amiga 2000 to test things to prove the Amiga is running true native hardware (no emulation).

Diagrom V1.21 Chip in my Kickstart Switcher?  Don't have one but they are cheap.

I figure another good HW/SW test would be to see if (Bridgeboard works), that would certainly be streching compatibility limites.
Maybe another would be to test my (Auto Boot enabled "GVP SCSI+8MB).

I honestly don't know for sure.

I THINK that once you've plugged it in, you are essentially in emulation land anyway.

Even if you've set it to emulate a 68000 running at 7 MHz. Which I don't think it does perfectlyl but I have no input to offer.

Pistorm lets you choose a ROM image, I don't think you need an actual DiagROM chip as such.
"To recurse is human. To iterate, divine."

A1200, Vanilla, Surf Squirrel, SD Card, KS 3.0/3.z, PCMCIA dev
A500, Vanilla, A570, Rev 5, KS 1.2/1.3 Testbench system
Rasp Pi, UAE4ARM, 3D laser scanner, experimental, hoping for AmigaOS4Arm, based on Watterott Fabscan Pi

Offline Pat the Cat

Re: **Need Setup HELP** with Classic Amiga 2000 HARD DISK (Bridgeboard)
« Reply #93 on: January 25, 2022, 11:44:52 PM »
I think Chucky or whoever wrote DiagROM deserves it more. :beer
"To recurse is human. To iterate, divine."

A1200, Vanilla, Surf Squirrel, SD Card, KS 3.0/3.z, PCMCIA dev
A500, Vanilla, A570, Rev 5, KS 1.2/1.3 Testbench system
Rasp Pi, UAE4ARM, 3D laser scanner, experimental, hoping for AmigaOS4Arm, based on Watterott Fabscan Pi

Offline Pat the Cat

Re: **Need Setup HELP** with Classic Amiga 2000 HARD DISK (Bridgeboard)
« Reply #94 on: February 05, 2022, 05:20:09 AM »
One man's quest to recover his college system back to working order and much more?

It kind of started as data recovery and grew into a full megapimp.  :)

Remember, back then having an 040 speed Amiga cost a serious amount of money. Let alone RTG.
"To recurse is human. To iterate, divine."

A1200, Vanilla, Surf Squirrel, SD Card, KS 3.0/3.z, PCMCIA dev
A500, Vanilla, A570, Rev 5, KS 1.2/1.3 Testbench system
Rasp Pi, UAE4ARM, 3D laser scanner, experimental, hoping for AmigaOS4Arm, based on Watterott Fabscan Pi