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Author Topic: Kickstarter launched to celebrate the Amiga 30th Anniversary in California  (Read 6379 times)


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Offline tekmage


Getting the shipping wrong can sink a kickstarter compaign.  We decided to launch with US and EU shipping and add the other countries later.  We will post updates here and on the kickstarter when we get shipping worked out for the other places.  

Thanks for the support and hang tight!

Bill "tekmage" Borsari

Offline tekmage


We've opened up shipping to pretty much everywhere now, so go ahead and back us.  We spent a lot of time thinking about the different levels and what we could offer.  In the end we want as many people as possible wearing their kickstarter shirts with pride.


The key to success is getting the word out.  I doubt we will see any sort of press coverage or make it to the kickstarter front page as an editor pick.  We just need to grind it out.  Given we are over 50% already, after just 6 days, I'm confident we will make it.  

I've been getting the word out by calling my Amiga friends, telling them about the event, and asking them to pledge $10.  Since the kickstarter launched we have had a number of folks step up to come, including legendary artist Jim Sachs.  There will be an update to the kickstarter soon with more details.

Thanks to everyone who's backed us so far.  For everyone else, don't you want a cool T-shirt?


Bill "tekmage" Borsari

Offline tekmage


Jeri signed up as well for a banquet ticket and so has Joe Torre and his wife Leslie.

Took some time to review the site at the Computer History Museum.  It's an amazing space and we are very lucky to be able to get it for this event.  A great part of the CHM is they have an incredible collections so while visiting the Amiga 30th visitors can also visit the museum exhibits.  No need to worry about what to do for 2 days :)

Bill "tekmage" Borsari
Amiga 30th US Organizing Team Member

Offline tekmage


Offline tekmage

It's the final day for the kickstarter.  We are sitting at 104% funded with 164 backers.  

First, we made it!  Commodore died in 1994, Escom, Gateway, and Amiga Inc have all run with the torch and fell.  Yet, we, the Amiga Community, are still going.  I recently came across a great article that pointed out that John C. Dvorak liked to say that "Amiga users were actively delusional."  Here we are in 2015 successfully community funding the 30th anniversary.  We are a global community of committed compassionate users who feel strongly about how they compute.  Thank you all, to all our backers, to the more than 3000 people who watched the video, to everyone who uses the Amiga still, to everyone who remembers when computing was fun, and to everyone who is wishing us well.

Second, we have received comments about the size of the stretch goals.  With any kickstarter campaign setting the funding targets and stretch goals is one of the hardest parts.  You can't know how successful the campaign will be till it's launched so you have to go with what you think will work.  One thing about the Amiga is there are always surprises.  Our two stretch goals of Internet streaming and a 2 day exhibit hall will not end with the kickstarter.  If someone backs the campaign at the $60 level we will honor the 2 day event ticket.  

Third, every dollar counts.  We have so many crazy ideas on how to make this the best birthday a computer ever had but it takes money to make it happen.  The more money we make here the better the event will be.  

Last, this might be your only opportunity to show your friends a youtube video of Amiga 1000 serial #1 thanking you for backing the kickstarter.  This is not a promise that such thing will happen... but it could.

Thank you,

Bill "tekmage" Borsari

Amiga 30th US Organizing Team

Offline tekmage


Thanks for not posting that message!  

I'm working to have a large update for Friday that will bring everyone up to speed on where we are.
