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Author Topic: Views on Linux (from AmigaOS x86 thread)  (Read 8769 times)


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Re: Views on Linux (from AmigaOS x86 thread)
« on: January 23, 2017, 07:11:43 PM »
Wow. Pretty amazing that some of you complain on Linux. Sounds like basic problems with understanding how computer OS works. If you want convenience, poor stability, countless security holes and surveillance then buddy by all means go for Windows 10. Best choice ever for somebody who wants to be convenient.
 Don't complain on Linux simply because you obviously don't understand basic differences in how it works vs Windows.
 Just for your information Unix derivatives (OSX, Linux, Solaris and many others) run on majority of computers on this planet, especially the ones that are important for internet and industrial infrastructure.
 Without Linux you would not have internet access, online gaming, your PS4 would not have OS, your forum would not work (so you can complain on Linux) etc.
 I have around 17 different computers, SGI, Amiga, Laptops, Desktops, countless game consoles. None of them need windows to do their job.
 I don't even understand your complains... so what you are upset with Linux because of what? It did not do something for you? You did not understand how to use simple terminal command which makes life easier? What was the problem? To install debian on computer that is not even specifically designed for it (HP workstation) takes 20min. Have done it just yesterday and I am writing this post from it.
 Maybe instead of wasting your time on bitching you should get "Teach yourself Linux in 24h" from amazon and read it. It's not much of effort. Don't expect Unix based system to work the same way as your Windows. They are not the same. It's like jumping into Porsche 911 Turbo and expecting it to be as easy to drive as your Geo Metro.
 Seriously. Don't complain. Try to learn. Or if you don't like it, just stick with your Geo Metro.