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Author Topic: Hyperion: "Halloween special double-treat for the Classic AmigaOS"  (Read 39721 times)


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Offline Pgovotsos

Shouldn't Hyperion be spending their time finishing OS4 instead of things like this? And I thought it was settled that Cloanto had OS3 and Hyperion had OS4. Does anyone really want to go through another round of Hyperion getting into another pissing match? Leave this stuff alone and finish the work you should have finished a decade ago!

Offline Pgovotsos

Re: Hyperion: "Halloween special double-treat for the Classic AmigaOS"
« Reply #1 on: October 16, 2016, 04:00:55 PM »
Quote from: Iggy;815372
The only reason this probably can't be done?
 Lack of programmer competency.

You do realize that when you insult the few people interested in doing anything in this space, the less likely they will retain their interest? We already have extremely competent people sacrificing what free time they have - you know after their real jobs that pay their bills, family, education and everything else. The only compensation they get is our thanks. When people stop appreciating what they are able to give us, what reason is there for them to continue? Would you work for free for some ungrateful person who does nothing but insult you, contributes nothing themselves, but continues to demand you do more and to do that more to their personal specifications regardless of the obstacles?

You ungrateful person. Assuming that you are a productive member of society and not the typical, modern, "gimme dat" American (judging from your attitudes and behavior probably not a good assumption), why don't you get off your lazy butt and actually contribute something yourself? Or are you one of "those who can't, criticize those who can"?

Why don't you try to find a few minutes in a busy day to find sources, decipher undocumented code, code that has multiple dependencies on other seemingly unrelated undocumented code, work with hardware that is insufficiently documented itself, try to figure out why someone 30 years ago chose to put THAT command THERE - a place it doesn't make sense for it to be but it is because of some quirk of the hardware or other modules of the software - someone who might be dead and can't explain the reason, and then rewrite it, still trying to maintain it within the extremely limited resources of the hardware. Do you have any concept of how MUCH needs to be in Kickstart and in only 512K? If you think this simplified description of what olsen, Thomas and others have to deal with is overstating the situation, read the experience of the people who rewrote the console.

These people are doing this out of love for the platform and the community. If the community, with people like you, stops appreciating them, goes out of their way to insult them, I would completely understand why they would stop spending their precious time and expertise and go elsewhere. Heck, with ungrateful, rude, crass, offensive jerks like you contributing nothing but bile, I'd go so far as to ENCOURAGE them to leave and let you to fester in your own crap.

Grow up. Act like an adult or go away. Nobody needs or wants your tantrums.
« Last Edit: October 16, 2016, 05:43:02 PM by Pgovotsos »

Offline Pgovotsos

Re: Hyperion: "Halloween special double-treat for the Classic AmigaOS"
« Reply #2 on: October 16, 2016, 04:05:25 PM »
Quote from: wawrzon;815378
thomas, look, idont want to show off, but last week i have made the source of fryingpan compile for 68k target with gcc 6.1.0 with paranoia setting from within aros source tree. i have only received one hint from toni what concerns asm syntax. and while the work isnt finished, i need to debug some issues (luckily aros has gdb, so at least i get some hints as to where to look), i must insist that im a complete ignorant what concerns programming in whichever aspect. so, if a noob can do that kind of work, just because he wants to contribute, a professional with years of experience may well fix something more complicated.

You brag about what you did but by your own admission it is incomplete. Wow! I didn't know that people were supposed to brag until there was some to actually brag about - you know actually completing something.

Offline Pgovotsos

Re: Hyperion: "Halloween special double-treat for the Classic AmigaOS"
« Reply #3 on: October 16, 2016, 04:07:30 PM »
And before anyone asks, I don't have the skills to contribute code. I'm a user, not a programmer unfortunately. My contribution is grateful appreciation and, when asked for, money.

Offline Pgovotsos

Re: Hyperion: "Halloween special double-treat for the Classic AmigaOS"
« Reply #4 on: October 16, 2016, 05:47:14 PM »
Quote from: Iggy;815391
I'm not insulted, its just a difference of opinion.
 And since the market supports MY opinions, why should I care that another open source enthusiast doesn't understand basic economics?

 I needed Excel, no alternatives came close, I'm glad I bought it.
 I KNOW what my requirement were, so his opinions aren't relevant.
 Although, OSX is SO much better than Open BSD, and they regularly feed developments back to the OpenBSD community.
 Further, if NextStep hadn't been built on that, it could have easily been based on something else.
 Proprietary software IS better than open software.
 Its just a fact, one that he apparently can't deal with.
 But since the public has spoken with its funding, its irrefutable.

Um, I haven't said one word about open / closed source at all. I responded to you calling people in a difficult situation incompetent and kolla bragging about an incomplete project.

Offline Pgovotsos

Re: Hyperion: "Halloween special double-treat for the Classic AmigaOS"
« Reply #5 on: October 19, 2016, 04:28:05 PM »
Quote from: wawrzon;815514
thats exactly a part im sceptical about. you want to eat a cake and keep it. but i bet you wont get people involved if you dont open up. and you dont seem to plan to.

You do know that you're complaining to the wrong people. You keep griping about opening the source code but the people you're griping to don't have the rights to do so. They are individuals working on parts of the code, either under contract or volunteer. They don't own it and so can't make the decision to open it.

I know that this has been pointed out several times to you and the other open source "demanders" in this and many other threads. You need to understand that you are making impossible demands of these people. They can NOT do what you are demanding.

This is an example of what I meant above about not being appreciative and grateful for what they are able to accomplish. Look, these people are doing what they can in their spare time and for little or no compensation. How many people do you think have the knowledge, skills, access to the source code, and more importantly the desire to do this work on a long dead computer platform? If people continue to make impossible demands of them, question their ability or insult them, how much longer do you think that desire will last?

These guys don't owe us anything. They have expended a great deal of time and effort to give us what they have. They could just as easily turned away and pursued something profitable. Honestly, with the negativity they get from some of the community, I'm surprised that they haven't and that anyone remains willing to work on a dead product for obnoxious and ungrateful users.

Try saying "Thank you" instead to these guys.

If you have issues about the source code, take it up with the rights holder, please.

Offline Pgovotsos

Re: Hyperion: "Halloween special double-treat for the Classic AmigaOS"
« Reply #6 on: October 20, 2016, 01:16:53 AM »
Quote from: wawrzon;815527
yawn.. its not a complaint. i wrote that im fond of what olaf does, simply it wont lead far, i fear, given the circumstances. there is nothing in your post that wouldnt be obvious to almost anybody here, if you are being just grateful and you dont have anything to add, then its fine too.

You really do only see what you want to, don't you? It's such a shame that your reality isn't a happier one. TTFN

Offline Pgovotsos

Re: Hyperion: "Halloween special double-treat for the Classic AmigaOS"
« Reply #7 on: October 20, 2016, 06:16:51 PM »
Quote from: nicholas;815548
Who are they?

Cloanto claim ownership of the whole OS, Hyperion claim to own a licence to distribute it from the latest shell company that McEwen is passing off as the original Amiga Inc.

So who should he take it up with?

I am not a lawyer nor do I play one on TV so I don't know. I certainly don't think that Thomas and all are the ones. Complaining to or about them is just a waste of time and can't accomplish anything positive.