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Author Topic: IRC Progams for 68k  (Read 3139 times)


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Offline my_pc_is_amigaTopic starter

IRC Progams for 68k
« on: February 01, 2021, 06:12:11 AM »
Wondering what others are using for IRC or what is working for you?

AmIRC 3.6.2 hangs for me (I have a 68060 but not sure if that is the problem)
WookieChat I've had some issue and not sure if it is being maintained:
    I had posted the issue here thinking it was NList but looks like it could be from WookieChat:

Offline my_pc_is_amigaTopic starter

Re: IRC Progams for 68k
« Reply #1 on: February 04, 2021, 05:30:59 AM »
Thanks -- went through the 3.5 install and then added 3.6.2.   I'm using 3.9 MUI and with AmIRC, I get warning requester that "AmIRC" stack size is 8192 and needs to be 32000.   Icon tooltype has the program set to 34000.   So this looks like some internal process.   If I continue, it will crash.   Only way I've seen so far to prevent crash is to install stackattack.   Would be nice to have a fix for the program itself but guess it is unlikely.  I sent an email to   support@amirc.org back in August 2020 but didn't see any response back.

Offline my_pc_is_amigaTopic starter

Re: IRC Progams for 68k
« Reply #2 on: February 09, 2021, 06:10:32 AM »
This is a A4000T with 3.1.4 ROMs.     I checked my setup some more...

I re-installed MUI 3.9 and then I didn't realize that I didn't have my network up and when I click on "Continue Otherwise", it crashes with 8000 0004.  With network up, no more crash.  However,  would be nice not to have that stack requester come up anymore but looks like that would need to be fixed in AmIRC.  Red mouse arrow is pointing to what I think is the task with 8192 stack size.